Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 160

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 160
Kári Kristinsson, Tinna Dahl Christiansen og Friðrik Eysteinsson to offer him a job interview and hire him. The grade point average though did not affect the first wage offer. The survey was web-based. It is there- fore possible that situational factors or biases affected the results. A second limi- tation was that the participants were only asked to evaluate one applicant instead of comparing applicants like they are used to. External validity may therefore have been compromised. The current research only dealt with a graduate from the schools of business at either the University of Iceland or Reykjavik University. It would therefore be interesting to examine other schools or fields of study in future research. Lastly it would be interesting to examine how high a grade point average needs to be to affect the evaluation of applicants. The research results indicate that stu- dents who graduate from public schools are in no way worse off than students who graduate from private schools when it comes to the labor market. They are nei- ther evaluated as less competent nor less likely to be hired, and they are offered higher initial wages. Lastly, a high grade point average is rewarded with a higher probability of a job interview and hiring. Keywords: Grade point average;private schooi; public school; tceiandic labor market Heimildaskrá Agthe, M., Spörrle, M. og Maner, J. K. (2011). Does being attractive always help? Posi- tive and negative effects of attractiveness on social decision making. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(8), 1042-1054. doi:10.1177/0146167211410355. Anderson, N. og Shackleton, V. (1990). Dec- ision making in the graduate selection interview: A field study. Journal of Occupa- tional Psychology, 63(1), 63-76. Sótt 11. júlí 2011 af http://search.ebscohost.com/ login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN= 4618207&site=ehost-live. Baird, L.L. (1985). Do grades and tests pre- dict adult accomplishment? Research in Higher Education, 23(1), 3-85. Bedi, A. S. og Garg, A. (2000). The effective- ness of private versus public schools: The case of Indonesia. Journal of Development Economics, 61(2), 463-494. Sótt 17. maí 2011 af http://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/ B6VBV-3YYTFBM-7/2 /124c22e99b9a7f4f3749d7c3af4459a7. Berry, C. M. og Sackett, P. R. (2009). Indivi- dual differences in course choice result in underestimation of the validity of college admissions systems. Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 20(7), 822-830. doklO.llll /j. 1467-9280.2009.02368.x. Bowman, W. R. og Mehay, S. L. (2002). College quality and employee job per- formance: Evidence from naval officers. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 55(4), 700-714. Sótt 21. júní 2011 af http: / / www. jstor.org/stable/3270630. Bretz Jr, R. D. (1989). College grade point average as a predictor of adult success: A meta-analytic review and some additional evidence. Public Personnel Management, 18(1), 11-22. Brewer, D. ]., Eide, E. R. og Ehrenberg, R. G. (1999). Does it pay to attend an elite private college? Cross-cohort evidence on the effects of college type on earnings. The Journal ofHwnan Resources, 34(1), 104-123. Sótt 17. maí 2011 af http://www.jstor. org / stable/146304.
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