Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Síða 183
Aðgengi 4-5 ára leikskólabarna að barnabókum og stafrænum miðlum á heimilum sínum
less in their evaluation of the importance
of translated classical literature and classi-
cal Icelandic children's literature, where
higher educated parents considered these
genre more value than parents with upp-
er secondary education and unskilled pa-
The parents' taste in children's literature
and popular culture was grouped accor-
ding to a hierarchical cluster analysis into
five clusters. The findings indicate expli-
citly that the role of gender was conspicu-
ous in three of these clusters since parents
of boys were more likely to choose carto-
ons and stories about superheroes while
parents of girls tended to choose fairy tales
and princess stories. These clusters could
be interpreted as different family habitus.
The first cluster includes scores, significant
over average, on all the analysed variables
and was therefore interpreted as omnivore-
habitus. The second cluster had significant
scores below average for any analysed
variable. It appeared that this cluster sco-
red higher than any other, on watching
TV, and was consequently interpreted as
TV-habitus. The third cluster scored signi-
ficantly over average on reading practices
and interest in princesses' fairy tales and
was thus named fcmininity-habitus. The fo-
urth scored significant highest on classical
children's literature, fairy tales and folkta-
les and for that reason it was named book-
worm- habitus. The fifth scored significant
higher on cartoon and computer games
than the others and according to the mas-
culine images of this material it is named
Keywords: Chitdren's literature, popular culture,
computer games, family -habitus, early childhood
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