Orð og tunga - 01.06.2016, Blaðsíða 73
Margrét Jónsdóttir: Veik sögn verður sterk 63
Valtýr Guðmundsson. 1922. Islandsk Grammatik. Islandsk Nutidssprog. Kaup-
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Venås, Kjell. 1974. Linne verb i norske målføre. Morfologiske studiar. Ósló/
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Veturliði G. Óskarsson. 1997–1998. Ske. Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði 19–
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Studia grammatica 21.
íslensk málsaga, beygingarfræði, sagnbeyging
history of the Icelandic language, infl ectional morphology, conjugation of verbs
The Modern Icelandic verb kvíða ‘be anxious about sth’ merits att ention for a number
of reasons, encapsulating as it does, a long history of re-interpretation. In the oldest
sources, kvíða was a weak verb. In the 16th century, it became strong in all its forms,
save for the present tense singular. However, from early in the 20th century, we have
the fi rst example of strong verbal endings turning up in the present tense singular,
while from the latt er part of the 20th century, the examples are only sporadic.
This article undertakes the task of reconstructing the history of this verb, consid-
ering change and contemporary variation in its morphological class. A diachronic as
well as synchronic treatment is discussed. Furthermore, the discussion off ers some
comparison with related languages, in particular Norwegian.
Margrét Jónsdótt ir
Íslensku- og menningardeild
Hugvísindasviði Háskóla Íslands
Árnagarði v/Suðurgötu
IS-101 Reykjavík
tunga_18.indb 63 11.3.2016 14:41:13