
Jökull - 01.01.2001, Page 13

Jökull - 01.01.2001, Page 13
Jökulsárlón at Breiðamerkursandur Figure 10. a) Average annual thinning rate ( ) of the terminus of Breiðamerkurjökull according to maps from 1903, 1945, 1965, 1991 and 1998. Solid line shows mean values over the intervals between maps and the dashed line denotes a more likely varia- tion. b) Winter precipitation and c) Summer tempera- ture at Fagurhólsmýri, 20 km SW of Jökulsárlón. – a) Meðalþynning sporðs Breiðamerkurjökuls (m á ári). Vetrarúrkoma (b) og sumarhiti (c) á Fagurhólsmýri. Profiles of ice thickness along the central flow line down Breiðamerkurjökull at various times,   , were calculated given the basal geometry (Figure 12a) and the initial ice thickness   . Parameters   and    were derived for every 100 m along the flow line. The shape factor,    , was calculated for each cross section as the ratio between and the to- tal length of the cross section along the bed. Longitu- dinal velocity was calculated from glacier flow mod- els (equations 2–5) along several flowlines through the present day cross sections. The average veloc- ity through each section     was calculated as a function of surface velocity, ! "    , along the central flow line, i.e. #  $&% ' (  , where %  is a constant for each cross section. Temporal varia- tions in %   are neglected. Calving rate was calcu- lated at the central flow line from equation (7). The surface net mass balance along the flow line )(   *  is assumed to vary with elevation ( * ) and distance ( ) as the measured average for the years 1997 to 2000 (Figure 7b; Björnsson and Pálsson, 1998; Björnsson et al., 1998; Pálsson and Björnsson, 1998, 1999; Páls- son et al., 2001). In this respect, variations in time are included for each iteration. We use a 100 m grid and a triangular filter for the surface slope and surface changes with a base line of 10 to 15 and 30 times the glacier thickness, respectively. Figure 11. Sketch describing the parameters in equation (8); +,$-/.0 of both cross sections is the same;  is thickness of the glacier along a central flow line. – Skýringarmynd um reiknistuðla. The surface profile of 1998 was simulated using the 1991 observed surface as an input. Agreement with the 1998 observed surface is good (Figure 12a). Surface profiles and retreat rate were then predicted at 10 year intervals from 1998 to 2068 (70 years, Figure 12b) and at 50 years intervals from 1998 to 2398 (400 years, Figure 12c). Calving is expected to increase rapidly as the glacier retreats 2 km inland where the bed slopes from 200 m to 300 m below sea level (Fig- ure 12). The model predicts a similar retreat rate of the calving front position for the next 1 70 years (Fig- ure 13), which implies an average lake growth rate of 0.5 km 2 yr 3!4 . If the presently observed negative mass balance (1997 to 2000) continues, Breiðamerk- urjökull will recede from the proglacial lake after 1 200 years and almost vanish in 1 400 years. How- ever, these calculations assume a constant mass bal- ance as a function of altitude, while future variation in mass balance are expected to strongly influence the glacier geometry and extent. JÖKULL No. 50 13
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