
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.01.2001, Qupperneq 30

Jökull - 01.01.2001, Qupperneq 30
Knudsen et al. erosion of the left bank was 200 m. At the eastern end of the former bridge, as well as further east, the bed elevation was 4–5 m higher in 1997 than in 1992. The bed elevation west of the former bridge was un- changed (Figure 5). Whereas this part of the Gígjukvísl river channel was virtually unaffected by the 1991 surge and jökul- hlaup, it underwent an overall widening and shallow- ing during the 1996 jökulhlaup. Downstream of the moraine constriction the erosion was concentrated on the left bank. At transect 6 the erosion has shifted to the right bank. Net deposition dominates the old channel course with 3–4 m of aggradation. CONCLUSIONS This paper presents maps that show the channel of Gígjukvísl after the 1991 surge of Skeiðarárjökull and following the November 1996 jökulhlaup. These maps have been used to measure changes in the Gígjukvísl channel resulting from the jökulhlaup. The main geomorphic impact consists of channel change brought about by bank erosion of up to 300 m at the main Gígjukvísl outlet (transect 1) and within– channel deposition between 6 and 12 m. Aggradation rates decrease markedly downstream, with bank ero- sion of 600 m downstream of the moraine constriction (transect 5) accompanied by localised within–channel aggradation of only 4 m. Comparison of 1992 and 1997 aerial photographs also provides a clear picture of 300 m of glacier snout retreat and thinning of 50- 60 m during the study period. The Gígjukvísl channel system underwent spec- tacular transformation from a complex system of low capacity channels and proglacial lakes to a large, high capacity channel scaled to November 1996 jökulhlaup flows. The overall size of the Gígjukvísl channel in- creased, reducing flood–flow resistance and decreas- ing future potential for the formation of backwater lakes. The drastic change within the Gígjukvísl chan- nel was brought about by the fact that the proglacial trench in which the river system is located had only recently (post–1954) been created. As such, the prox- imal Gígjukvísl channel had never experienced a high magnitude jökulhlaup, in contrast to the Skeiðará channel system, which had adjusted to successive jökulhlaups over the previous decades, and where the overall geomorphic impact of the November 1996 jökulhlaup was much less spectacular. Due to the extensive bank erosion during the jökulhlaup, the present Gígjukvísl channel is now well–adjusted to high magnitude flood flows reducing the geomorpho- logical impact of any subsequent jökulhlaups. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the Icelandic Public Roads Administration. Ground survey was carried out by Jón S. Erlingsson and Halldór S. Hauksson from the Iclandic Public Roads Administration. ÁGRIP BREYTINGAR Á FARVEGI GÍGJUKVÍSLAR Í JÖKULHLAUPINU Í NÓVEMBER 1996 Ný kort af farvegi Gígjukvíslar eftir framhlaup Skeið- arárjökuls árið 1991 og eftir hlaupið í nóvember 1996 eru notuð til að leggja mat á breytingar á farvegi Gígjukvíslar sem áttu sér stað í hlaupinu í nóvem- ber 1996. Helstu breytingar á farveginum eru allt að 300 m rof á árbakka á móts við stærsta útfall hlaupsins (snið 1) og hækkun á árbotni þar á bilinu 6 til 12 m. Botninn á farveginum hækkar minna eftir því sem neðar dregur og í sniði 5 var rof á árbakka 600 m en botnhækkunin aðeins 4 m. Við samanburð á kortunum má sjá að jaðar jökulsins hefur hopað um 300 m og lækkað um 50-60 m á árabilinu 1992 og 1997. Þær miklu breytingar sem urðu á farvegi Gígjukvíslar stafa af því að lægðin sem áin rennur í meðfram jökuljaðrinum er nýleg og hefur myndast við hop jökulsins eftir 1954. Farvegur Gígjukvíslar hafði því aldrei áður tekið við vatnsmagni úr stóru jökulhlaupi, ólíkt farvegi Skeiðarár sem hefur mót- ast af mörgum stórum jökulhlaupum á undanförnum áratugum enda urðu breytingar á farvegi Skeiðarár í hlaupinu í nóvember 1996 mun minni en breyting- arnar á farvegi Gígjukvíslar. Vegna hins mikla rofs á árbökkum Gígjukvíslar í hlaupinu í nóvember 1996 þá getur núverandi farvegur Gígjukvíslar flutt meira vatnsmagn en áður og því má búast við minni breyt- ingum í næstu jökulhlaupum. 30 JÖKULL No. 50
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