Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1952, Blaðsíða 209
1. Acute Tonsillitis ...............
2. Acute Respiratory Catarrh........
3. Diphtheria ......................
4. Dysentery (Paradysentery)........
5. Epidemic Encephalitis............
6. Puerperal Sepsis ................
7. Acute Rheumatism.................
8. Enteric Fever....................
9. Acute Intestinal Catarrh.........
10. Influenza.......................
11. Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis
12. Measles ........................
13. Infective Myositis..............
14. Mumps ..........................
15. Bronchopneumonia ...............
16. Lobar Pneumonia.................
17. Acute Poliomyelitis ............
18. German Measles .................
19. Scarlet Fever...................
20. Epidemic Stomatitis.............
21. Whooping Cough..................
22. Chickenpox......................
23. Erysipelas......................
24. Erythema nodosum................
25. Infectious Hepatitis ...........
26. Herpes Zoster ..................
27. Contagious Impetigo.............
28. Paratyphoid ....................
1949 1950 1951 1952 J3 «8
4689 6909 8737 9850 10365 4
17962 20187 22689 22248 30357 14
- 1 - - - 1
3 5 4 4 1 -
1 7 10 9 8 4
5 9 8 8 6 1
28 26 45 34 32 4
3445 3983 4664 5672 3850 20
583 9308 5591 9314 4344 40
3 3 3 8 7 2
377 2 882 5737 1507 12
38 12 26 1250 187 -
397 1411 925 33 14 -
724 846 819 1541 1999 |315
184 143 162 212 273
538 622 17 85 30 4
157 54 135 75 41 -
193 361 69 42 21 -
82 48 114 387 529 -
- 37 312 2967 1595 8
492 435 875 1309 750 -
31 22 28 17 32 1
3 3 5 - - -
1 3 1 58 155 2
65 65 76 70 76 -
68 64 89 47 47 -
— — " 1
„Foreign fevers“ were of no great
eonsequence during the year, even if
whooping cough, influenza and meas-
les were not infrequently registered.
There was unusually high incidence
of pneumonias, but they did not turn
out to be as noxious as in the year
before. On the whole the nation’s
health was fairly satisfactory as indi-
cated by the exceptionally low death
5. Venereal Diseases. Notified cases
in the years 1948—1952 are as follows
(cf. tables V, VI and VII, 1—3):
1948 1949 1950 1951 1952
Gonorrhoea 543 375 208 220 246
Syphilis 61 54 37 25 12
Soft Chancre „„11 „
6. Tuberculosis (all forms). Patients
registered by the medical officers at
the end of each year (cf. tables V, VI,
VIII, IX and XI);
1948 1949 1950 1951 1952
Pulmonary 834 818 841 810 853
Non-pulmonary 172 172 155 146 159
Total Number of
Notified Cases 1006 990 996 956 1012
Deaths 47 36 29 31 20
Deaths from tuberculosis may be
classified as follows (last year’s fi-
gures in round brackets): Pulmonary
tuberculosis 13 (27), universal tuber-
culosis 1 (1), meningeal tuberculosis
4 (3), tuberculosis of the urinary and
generative organs 2 (0).
During the last two decades death
from tuberculosis in Iceland has been
almost steadily decreasing, yet, with
a relative stand-still during the war,
and the last five years the fall of the
tuberculosis death rate is truly adven-
turous. In 1930 232 died from tuber-
culosis in Iceland (2.16 per 1000 of
the population), 1939: 94 (0.79 per
1000), 1945: 88 (0.68 per 1000), 1947: