Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1979, Blaðsíða 366
Árbók Háskóla íslands
Fossaráíslandi. Náttúruverndarráð. Fjölrit
nr. 2. 1978. 43 bls.
Hverír og laugar, ölkeldur og kaldavermsl.
Náttúruverndarráð. Fjölrit nr. 3. 1978.
14 bls.
Some comments on the Minoan eruption on
Santorini. Kafli í: Thera and the Aegean
World I. Útg. C. Dumas. London 1978:
Hverir og laugar, ölkeldur og kaldavermsl á
íslandi og verndun þeirra. Týli 8 (2) 1978:
The postglacial history of the Mývatn area.
Oikos 32(1—2) 1979: 17—28.
(Meðhöf.). Volcanic eruption through a
geothermal borehole at Námafjall, Ice-
land. Nature, Vol. 278, No. 5706. 1979:
707—710. (Ásamt Karli Grönvold og
Guðrúnu Larsen.)
On the damage caused by volcanic erup-
tions, with special reference to tephra and
gases. Kafli í: Volcanism and human
habitation, Academic Press, Inc. New
York 1979: 25—29.
(Meðhöf.). The Sólheimar layer. Katla
1357. Acta Naturalia Islandica (í
(Meðhöf.: Grönvold, K., and Sigurdsson,
S.) Aquifer chemistry of four high-tem-
perature geothermal systems in Icelend.
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 42, 1978,
Precipitation of calcite from flashed geo-
thermal waters in Iceland. Contrib.
Mineral. Petrol., 66, 1978 21—28.
Major element chemistry of the geothermal
sea-water at Reykjanes and Svartsengi,
Iceland. Min.Mag.,42,1978,209—220.
(Meðhöf.: Pálmason, G., Fridleifsson, I. B>
Kristmannsdóttir, H., Sæmundsson, K ’
Stefánsson, V., Steingrímsson, B., Tom-
asson, J.) The Iceland crust: evidence
from driilhole data on structure and p>'°~
cesses. Kafli í: Proc. Second Mauricc
Ewing Symposium: Indications of Deep
Drilling Results in the Atlantic Ocean■
Arlon House, Tuxedo, New York, 1978'
Mineral deposition from Icelandic geoj
thermal waters: environmental and utu -
zation problems. Kafli í: Proc. Int. Sr
Symposium on Oilfield and Geotherina
Chemistry. Houston 20.—22. jan. 19? >
Hydrochemistry in geothermal investiga
tions in Iceland: techniqúes and appdca
tions. Nordic Hydrology, 10, 19? '
Jarðfrœði (Kennslubók). Mál og menr^®
1978 (þriðja útgáfa, nokkuð breytt), -
Heimaey utbruddet. Norsk oversætte sc^
Odd Didriksen. Mál og menning, K'1
1974, 88 bls.
The Heimaey eruption. English translati0 ^
Alan Boucher. Mál og menning, v
1974, 88 bls. .. .
Der Heimaey Ausbruch. Deutsche Ú e
setzung: Annemarie Egloff. Kla
menning, Rvík 1974, 88 bls. (V,
Wybuch Wulkanu na wyspie Heinuu,
roku 1973. (Pólsk útgáfa: GoS'ko.
Heimaey.) Towarzysto Przyjazni Po s
') Hér er það einnig greint sem birtast átti í s