Saga - 1977, Page 115
August 12, they went on board the S.S. Manitoban, a 2,394-ton
vessel; it touched at Liverpool, leaving that port with 600 passengers.
Quebec was reached by August 25; the group went directly to
Montreal, but split up in Toronto on August 27. Just over 100
headed toward northwest Ontario, while the others, including the
Mjóidalur family, traveled to Wisconsin. On the way there, the new-
comers experienced a train accident that took some lives; none of
the Icelanders died, but Sigurbjörg from Mjóidalur was among
the injured.
Arriving by ferry in Milwaukee on August 30, the Icelanders
joined numbers of compatriots who had come to that city over the
past 2—3 years. One of these, Páll Thorláksson from Stórutjamir
(later Lutheran minister), had arranged employment for the people
of his district with Norwegian farmers in Wisconsin — in order
that they might learn new work methods and quickly get acquainted
with their adoptive country. The Mjóidalur family went to Stough-
ton as farm hands. After reaching that destination and until year-
end, Jón spent almost $60 — at which point he estimated his worth
(funds, debts owed him in Iceland and America, tools, household
effects, chests, books, etc.) as totaling $358.
(Fyrsti hluti þessara þátta úr dagbókum Jóns Jónssonar frá Mjóa-
dal birtist í Sögu 1975, bls. 106—51. Síðasti hlutinn er enn óbirtur).