Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2011, Side 50

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2011, Side 50
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 20 (2) 201150 „bara ef maðUr hefði sett meiri kraft í þetta“ Late drop-out from university A qualitative study on antecedents and consequences abstraCt The drop-out rate from the University of Iceland is unusually high or up to 57% in some majors. Additionally, up to 8% of students at the University of Iceland drop-out late in their educational process when they are heading towards graduation (Heiður Hrund Jónsdóttir & Friðrik H. Jónsson, 2008; Ríkisendurskoðun, 2007). This has caused a major concern because drop-out is costly both in terms of time and financial resources for individuals, institutions and the community. This is especially the case for those that drop out after spending 2–3 years at the University without completing their degree. Tinto (1975; 1993) and Bean (1980; 1982) have proposed two complementary models that explain drop-out and retention among university students. They suggest that individual factors, such as student goal setting and commitment to the university and involvement in the community play a role in drop-out. The interaction between stu- dent and institution, together with social status, family, parents‘ education and other commitments or life roles also explain drop-out. Research in the area has been largely supportive of their conceptualizations (e.g. Cabrera, Nora & Castañeda, 1993; Hovd- haugen, 2009; McKenzie & Schweitzer, 2001; Sandler, 2000; Smith & Naylor, 2001). In a recent study in Iceland, drop-out students stated that the main reasons for abandon- ing their studies were: employment opportunities, academic conditions and atmo- sphere, unclear career goals and difficulties in combining the student role and other life roles such as family. According to Super´s (1957) theory of career development, it may not come as a surprise that young people, still in the exploration stage of their development, have unclear career goals and want to try out different options before making final decisions. However, very little is known about the antecedents and what consequences it has for the individual to drop out from university, especially at the implementing stage when one is about to finish a degree and enter the job-market. The major aim of this study was to gain insight into the experience of individuals who have dropped out of university shortly before graduation. The focus is on their perceived reasons for drop-out and the consequences it has had for their career devel- opment and self-perception. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven individuals who had been enrolled as students in the faculties of social sciences or humanities at the University of Iceland. Five of the students had completed all their studies except their BA-thesis and two had one or two additional courses left. The participants were generally content during their course of study and success- ful in their academic achievements. However, the results showed that their academic choice had not been thoughtful and both academic and career goals in general were unclear. Their choice of study was mainly based on their interests or their friends‘ educational choices. Additionally, the students reported difficulties in organizing their
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Uppeldi og menntun

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