

Læknablaðið - 15.10.2009, Qupperneq 23

Læknablaðið - 15.10.2009, Qupperneq 23
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKN 4. Thelin A. Morbidity in Swedish farmers, 1978-1983, according to national hospital records. Soc Sci Med 1991; 32: 305-9. 5. Stiemström EL, Holmberg S, Thelin A, Svardsudd K. Reported health status among farmers and nonfarmers in nine rural districts. J Occup Environ Med 1988; 40: 917-24. 6. ísberg JÓ. Líf og lækningar. íslensk heilbrigðissaga. Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, Reykjavík 2005:133-78. 7. Sigurðarson SÞ, Guðmundsson G, Kline JN, Tómasson K. Respiratory disorders are not more common in farmers. Results from animal farmers in Iceland. Resp Med 2008; 102: 1839-43. 8. Bumey PG, Luczynska C, Chinn S, Jarvis D. The European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Eur Respir J 1994; 7: 954-60. 9. Þorgeirsdóttir H, Steingrímsdóttir L, Ólafsson Ö, Guðnason V. Þróun ofþyngdar og offitu meðal 45-64 ára Reykvíkinga á ámnum 1975-1994. Læknablaðið 2001; 87: 699-704. 10. Chen Y, Rennie D, Cormier Y, McDuffie H, Pahwa P, Dosman J. Reduced risk of atopic sensitization among farmers: the Humboldt study. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2007; 144: 338- 42. 11. Thelin A, Höglund S. Change of occupation and retirement among Swedish farmers and farm workers in relation to those in other occupations. A study of "elimination" from farming during the period 1970-1988. Soc Sci Med 1994; 38: 147-51. 12. Jenkins PL, Earle-Richardson G, Bell EM, May JJ, Green A. Chronic disease risk in central New York dairy farmers: results from a large health survey 1989-1999. Am J Ind Med 2005; 47: 20-6. 13. Hartman E, Oude Vrielink HH, Huime RB, Metz JH. Sick leave analysis among self-employed Dutch farmers. Occup Med (Lond) 2003; 53:461-8. 14. Li CY, Sung FC. A review of the healthy worker effect in occupational epidemiology. Occ Med 1999; 49: 225-9. 15. Hemberg S. Introduction to epidemiological epidemiology. Chelsea MI: Lewis Publishers Inc, 1992. 16. Pomrehn PR, Wallace RB, Burmeister LF. Ischemic heart disease mortality in Iowa farmers. The influence of life-style. JAMA1982; 248:1073-6. 17. Steingrímsdóttir L, Þorgeirsdóttir H, Ægisdóttir S. Könnun á mataræði íslendinga. 2. Mataræði og mannlíf. Rannsóknir Manneldisráðs III. Reykjavík 1992. 18. Steingrímsdóttir L, Þorgeirsdóttir H, Ólafsdóttir AS. Hvað borða íslendingar? Könnun á mataræði íslendinga 2002. Helstu niðurstöður. Rannsóknir Manneldisráðs V. Reykjavík 2003. 19. Eaton CB, Nafziger AN, Strogatz DS, Pearson TA. Self- reported physical activity in a rural county: a New York county health census. Am J Public Health 1994; 84: 29-32. 20. Ahonen E, Venalainen JM, Könönen U, Klen T. The physical strain of dairy farming. Ergonomics 1990; 33:1549-55. 21. Pemeger TV. What's wrong with Bonferroni adjustments. BMJ 1998; 316:1236-8 General health in lcelandic farmers Background: There is a limited information on the general health of lcelandic farmers. It has been suggested that it might be worse than among other professions. This is thought to be in part because of the unique work environment of farmers.The aims of the study were to compare the general health of animal farmers with a group of non-farmers, and test the hypothesis that animal farmers overall have a better general health than non-farmers. Methods: A cross sectional study of all animal farmers in lceland operating running a farm of more than 100 animal (sheep) units compared with a group of non-farmers. A total of 2042 farmers were sent a detailed questionnaire concerning general health symptoms and doctor visits (response rate 54%). The comparison group consisted of 1500 randomly chosen non-farming individuals (response rate 46%). Results: Farmers comprised more males, were older and smoked less than non-farmers. When general health symptoms for the last 12 months were compared between farmers and non-farmers, minor differences were noted. Farmers less commonly had restless legs, fatigue, diarrhea, allergy and hearing loss. There were no differences in doctor visits for many chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension despite the age difference between the groups. Repeated absence from work was less common among farmers and they had shorter sick leaves than comparison group. Conclusions: Minor differences were noted in general symptoms and doctor visits between farmers and non- farmers despite the fact that farmers were older. Absence from work for illness is less common among farmers. This study suggest that farmers general health is not worse than that of others. Gudmundsson G.Tomasson K. General health in lcelandic farmers lcel Med J 2009; 95:655-9. Key words: Farming, general health, sick leave, symptoms, allergy, doctor visit. Correspondence: Gunnar Guðmundsson, ggudmund@landspitali.is > Œ < 2 3 W I _l o z UJ Barst: 18. mars 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 2. september 2009 LÆKNAblaðið 2009/95 659
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