

Læknablaðið - 15.10.2009, Síða 32

Læknablaðið - 15.10.2009, Síða 32
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKN > DC < 5 2 D « I C/3 O Z m Out-of-pocket health care expenditures among population groups in lceland Objective: Out-of-pocket health expenditures affect access to health care. The study investigated trends in these expenditures, and whether certain population groups spent more than others. Material and methods: The data come from two national health surveys among lcelandic adults from 1998 and 2006. The response rate was 69% in the former survey (N=1924), and 60% in the latter (N= 1532). Average household health expenditures and household expenditure burden (expenditures as % of total household income) were compared over time and between groups. Results: Household health expenditures increased by 29% in real terms between 1998 and 2006. The biggest items in 2006 were drugs and dental care. Women, younger and older individuals, the single and divorced, smaller households, the unemployed and non-employed, individuals with low education and income, the chronically III, and the disabled, had the highest household expenditure burden. Comparison between 1998 and 2006 indicated increased expenditure burden among young people, students, the unemployed, and the least educated, but decreased burden among the elderly, the widowed, and parents of young children. Conclusions: Household health expenditures differ substantially between groups, suggesting reconsideration of current health insurance policies, especially with regard to disabled, non-employed, low-income, and young individuals. Vilhjalmsson R. Out-of-pocket health care expenditures among population groups in lceland. Icel Med J 2009; 95:661-8. Key words: out-of-pocket health care costs, group differences, health care utilization, access to health care. Correspondence: Rúnar Vilhjálmsson, runarv@hi.is Barst: 23. febrúar 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 24. júní 2009 Áratuga reynsla af skipulagningu ráðstefna, funda og viðburða á innlendum og alþjóðlegum vettvangi tryggir viðskiptavinum okkar framúrskarandi þjónustu. Við bjóðum metnaðarfullar heildarlausnir sem taka mið af þeim þörfum sem hvert verkefni felur í sér. Hafðu samband og við munum finna réttu lausnina fyrir þig. RÁÐSTEFNUR | FUNDIR | VIÐBURÐIR | VIÐ5KIPTAFERÐIR | UM ALLAN HEIM Iceland Travel og VITA eru leiðandi ferðaskrifstofur, hvor á sínu sviði lceland Travel hefur til fjölda ára tekið á móti ferðamönnum og skipulagt ráðstefnur og viðburði innanlands og hefur á að skipa um sjötíu starfsmönnum, sérhæfðum í þjónustu við ólíka hópa. VITA er ný ferðaskrifstofa sem hefur á skömmum tíma getið sér gott orð fyrir vandlega skipulagðar ferðir á erlendri grund. Saman mynda þessi dótturfélög lcelandair Group öfluga heild. Iceland Travel Skútuvogi13 a 105 Reykjavík 58S 4300 conferences@icelandtravel.is icelandtravel.is Við skipuleggjum ráðstefnur og fundahöld Er læknir í salnum? 668 LÆKNAblaöið 2009/95
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