Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar - 01.01.1993, Síða 13

Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar - 01.01.1993, Síða 13
Sérkenni kristindómsins Rit, sem vitnað er til Adam, David Stow: A Handbook of Christian Ethics, Edinburgh, 1925.(Adam) Alexander, A.B.D.: Chrístianity and Ethics, London 1926 (Alexander) Althaus, Paul: Grundrísz der Ethik, Erlangen, 1931 Aulén, Gustaf: Den almcinneliga kristna tron, Stockholm, 1924 (Aulén) Axling, William: Kagawa, London 1932 (Axling) Bang, J.P.: Troen og Livet, II, Köbenhavn 1918 (Bang) Barry, F.R.: The Relevance of Christianity, London 1933 (Barry) Browon: William Adams: God at Work, London 1934 (Brown: God) Christian Theology in Outline, Edinburgh 1924 ( Brown: Theology) Bultman, Rudolf: Jesus, Berlin 1926 (Bultmann) Cave, Sydney: The Doctrines ofthe Christian Faith, London 1931 (Cave) Chevalier, Jacques: Henri Bergson. Authorized Translation by Lilian A. Clare, London 1928. Clarke, William N.: The Christian Doctrine ofGod, New York 1909 (Clarke: God) Christianity and the Crisis, edited by Percy Dearmen, London 1933. Dearmer, Percy: Man and his Maker, London 1936 (Dearmer) Edwin, Einar: Detnye menneske, Oslo 1934 (Edwin) Fairweather: William: The Background ofthe Epistles, Edinburgh 1935. (Fairweather) Flew, Newton: The Ideal of Perfection in Christian Theology, London 1934. Gladden, Washington: The Christian Pastorand the Working Church, New York 1898 (Gladden) Haraldur Níelsson: Kristur og kirkjukenningamar, Rvík 1929. Haring, Th.: Das christliche Leben, Calw & Stuttgart 1902 (Háring: Chrl. Leben) The Christian Faith /-//, Translated by John Dickie and Georg Ferries, London 1913 (Haring: Dogm.) Haeckel, Emst: The Riddle ofthe Universe, Translated by Joseph McCabe. London 1925. Hamack, Adolf: Dogmengeschichte, Tiibingen 1905 (Hamack: Dogmengesch) Kristindómurinn, þýð. Ásmundur Guðmundsson, Seyðisfirði 1926. (Hamack: Krd) Headlam, ArthurC,: Christian Theology, Oxford 1934 (Headlam) Heiler, Griedrich: Das Gebet, Miinchen 1923 (Heiler: Gebet) :Sadhu Sundar Singh, Miinchen 1926 (Heiler: S.S.Singh) Herrmann, W.: Ethik, Tubingen 1909 (Herrmann) Inge: W.R, Christian Ethics and Modern Problems, London 1932 (Inge: Ethics) God and the Astronomers, London 1934 (Inge: God) Jones, Stanley: The Christofthe Mount, London 1932 (Jones: Christ of the Mount) \Christ and Communism, London 1935. ■.Christ and Human Suffering, London 1933 (Jones: Suffering) Kirn, Otto: Grundrisz der theologischen Ethik, Leipzig 1912 (Kim: Ethik) Mackingtosh, H.R.: The Doctrine of the Person ofJesus Christ, New York 1912. (Mack. J.Chr) The Christian Experience ofForgiveness, London 1927 (Mackintosh: Forgiveness) Macnicol, Nicol: Is Christianity Uniquel London 1936 (Macnicol) Magnús Jónsson: Páll postuli, Reykjavík 1928. Moffatt, James: The Theology of the Gospels, New York 1913 (Moffatt) Miiller, Johannes: Die Bergpredigt, Miinchen 1923 (Miiller: Bergpredigt) Die Reden Jesu, Miinchen 1922 (Erster Band) (Miiller: Reden Jesu) Gott, Munchen 1922 (Miiller: Gott) Niebergall, Friedrich: Die modeme Predigt, Tiibingen 1929. Niebulu', Reinhold: An Interpretation of Christian Ethics, London 1936. Ottley, R.L.: Christian Ideas and Ideals, London 1916 Pfenningsdorf, E.: Praktische Theologie, I Giitersloh 1929. 11
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