Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Síða 103
Atvinnuþátttaka fólks með þroskahömlun sem lokið hefur starfstengdu diplómunámi frá Háskóla íslands
open market. One might ask if the reason
is primarily systemic; i.e. it is feasible that
a certain group receives the support avai-
lable as international research indicates is
often the case (Cimera, 2008). The results
also show that the economic recession
has made it more difficult for disabled
people to receive employment or change
Positive support of co-workers in the
workplace appears to have an important
influence on how the young people fare
and their social participation in the work-
place. It also appears that there is a need
for increased employment possibilities,
more diversity in jobs available and increa-
sed support for this group in employment.
In addition it is important to strengthen
the cooperation of the University of Ice-
land and the job market in order to better
prepare those who have completed the
programme for employment. The study
was carried out during the summer and
autumn of 2012 and received a grant from
the Icelandic Research Council and the
Innovation Fund for Students.
Key words: Employment participation, peopie with
intellectual disabilities, semi-professional diploma
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