Orð og tunga - 01.06.2016, Qupperneq 48
38 Orð og tunga
orðlíka liði en einnig verður að gera ráð fyrir aðskeytislíkjum þar,
sbr. áhersluforliði í íslensku. Orðlíku liðirnir standa þó sjálfstæðum
orðum nær en aðskeytislíki.
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Ari Páll Kristinsson. 1991. Leiðbeiningar um orðmyndun handa orðanefndum.
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Comparing affixoids in German and Swedish. STUF – Sprachtypologie und
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Baldur Jónsson. 1985. Samsett nafnorð með samsetta liði. Fáeinar athuganir.
Í: Bernt Fossestøl, Kjell Ivar Vannebo, Kjell Venås og Finn-Erik Vinje
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Baldur Jónsson. 1987. Íslensk orðmyndun. Andvari. Nýr flokkur XXIX:88–103.
Bauer, Laurie. 2005. The borderline between derivation and compounding. Í:
Wolfgang U. Dressler, Dieter Kastovsky, Oskar E. Pfeiffer og Franz Rainer
(ritstj.). Morphology and Its Demarcations. Selected Papers from the 11th Mor-
phology Meeting, Vienna, February 2004. Current Issues in Linguistic Theo-
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Booij, Geert. 1993. Against split morphology. Yearbook of Morphology 1993:27–
Booij, Geert. 1994. Lexical Phonology: a Review. Lingua e stile 29:525–555.
Booij, Geert. 1996. Inherent versus contextual inflection and the split mor-
phology hypothesis. Yearbook of Morphology 1995:1–16.
Dalton-Puffer, Christiane og Ingo Plag. 2000. Categorywise, some Com-
pound-Type Morphemes Seem to Be Rather Suffix-Like: On the Status
of -ful, -type, and -wise in Present Day English. Folia Linguistica XXXIV
Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson. 1984. Íslensk málfræði. Hljóðkerfisfræði og beyg ingar-
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Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson. 1990. Íslensk orðhlutafræði. Kennslukver handa nem-
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Goethem, Kristel Van. 2008. Oud-leerling versus ancien élève: A Comparative
Study of Adjectives Grammaticalizing into Prefixes in Dutch and French.
Morphology 18:27–49.
tunga_18.indb 38 11.3.2016 14:41:11