Orð og tunga - 01.06.2016, Side 126

Orð og tunga - 01.06.2016, Side 126
116 Orð og tunga In Czechoslovakia under Communist Party rule, no need was seen for major changes, in the name of “democratization” of language (i.e., re- ferring to language as common property of all people – in particular the working class). In the sphere of loanwords, the contribution of Russian has been meagre […] even in are- as such as military terminology, where more loanwords might be expected. On the contrary, although the offi cial att itude was hostile, as early as the 1960s one could see many loans from English, in particular in the registers of pop-music, sport and (later) computing. (Nestupný & Nekvapil 2006:67) 3 Organized language management concerning foreign words in Czech 3.1 General remarks Czech does not easily accept loanwords. This is due to its typologi- cal profi le, rather than to purist language policies (Neustupný & Nekvapil 2006:66). For political and geographical reasons, the Czech language has had the most intensive contact with German. The two languages even share some features (the structure of the lexicon and phraseology), although they belong to diff erent branches of the Indo- European family. However, in Standard Czech, most of the direct bor- rowings from German were replaced by Czech words during a wave of purism in the 19th century. Since WWI, there has been no such “hunt” against loanwords as, for example, in Icelandic. There are many loans and, in particular, there is no hesitation in accepting them if they are based on the Greek or Latin lexical tradition. This was proven in Cizí slova v českém jazyce [Loanwords in Czech] (1971), a comprehensive research survey ask- ing how Czechs used loanwords and what their att itude towards them was. Most respondents found that loanwords were used too much in the mass media, although they tolerated their presence in scientifi c literature. 60 percent approved of the use of words originating from Latin and Greek. Most respondents believed that borrowings were an inevitable, though negative, phenomenon, and almost all of them believed that replacing the existing borrowings with new domestic words would not bring any benefi t (Cizí slova v českém jazyce 1971:23). tunga_18.indb 116 11.3.2016 14:41:17
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