Orð og tunga - 01.06.2016, Síða 138

Orð og tunga - 01.06.2016, Síða 138
128 Orð og tunga Also in the Czech translations of modern Icelandic literature, we can probably say that some kind of consensus is slowly forming. The nom. ending of masculine names is mostly omitt ed in oblique cases. But in contrast to Old Norse names, it has been shown that in nom. masc. the ending is mostly retained for Icelandic names. The situation for Modern Icelandic is diff erent from Old Norse since there are far fewer names used in the texts, and they are only of minor importance for the artistic character of the texts. It might also be felt as inappro- priate to deform names that are in use nowadays, e.g. by removing the nom. ending. As always in translations, one is “dancing between two fi res”: on the one hand, there are the demands of the users of the target lan- guage, who want every single noun to be declined, and on the other hand there is the original language, where the corruption of names by tearing away their parts, such as -ur, or -dótt ir, changing the stem vowel, or adding a Czech possessive suffi x -ová, would feel inappro- priate. References Akademická příručka českého jazyka. 2014. Prague: Academia. Akademický slovník cizích slov. 1995. Prague: Academia. Brus českého jazyka. 1877. Prague: Matice česká. Cizí slova v českém jazyce. 1971. Prague: Ústav pro výzkum veřejného mínění. Meyerstein, Zlata P. 1973. Language planning and lexical change in Czech through the Centuries. Pacifi c Coast Philology 8:42–44. Neustupný, J.V. & Jiří Nekvapil. 2006. Language management in the Czech Republic. In: Robert B. Kaplan & Richard B. Baldauf Jr. (eds.). Language Planning and Policy in Europe, Vol. 2. The Czech Republic, The European Union and Northern Ireland, pp. 16–201. Clevedon/Buff alo/Toronto: Multilingual Matt ers. Novotná, Marie & Jiří Starý. 2014. Rendering Old Norse Nouns and Names in Translation into West-Slavic Languages. Scripta Islandica 65:213–236. Rules [of Czech spelling] 1902 = Gebauer, J. 1902. Pravidla hledící k českému pra- vopisu a tvarosloví s abecedním seznamem slov a tvarů. Prague: Císařský krá- lovský školní knihosklad. Rules [of Czech spelling] 1913 = Pravidla českého pravopisu s abecedním sezna- mem slov a tvarů: jediné c.k. ministerstvem kultu a vyučování schválené vydání. 1913. Prague: Císařský královský školní knihosklad. Rules [of Czech spelling] 1941 = Pravidla českého pravopisu s abecedním seznamem slov a tvarů. 1941. Prague: Školní nakladatelství pro Čechy a Moravu. Rules [of Czech spelling] 1957 = Pravidla českého pravopisu. 1957. Prague: ČSAV. tunga_18.indb 128 11.3.2016 14:41:18
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Orð og tunga

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