Gripla - 2021, Page 269
Another important feature of 19HsG is that the saga-writer introduces
greater logic to the narrative compared to 17HsG, not only by present-
ing events in a particular order but also by making minor changes to the
descriptions of the characters. For example, in 19HsG, the saga-writer
introduces Kári as a foster-brother of Hrómundur instead of presenting
him just as one of the king’s retainers. This minor alteration gives an in-
direct explanation of why Hrómundur wants to avenge Kári’s death when
Hröngviður kills both Kári and Örnúlfur. This is explicitly brought up
in the saga in chapter 3, which describes Hrómundur’s conversation with
King Ólafur, during which Hrómundur tells the king that he and Kári
were friends and foster-brothers (B11109, 108v:27–109r:6). This entire
conversation between Hrómundur and Ólafur is missing from 17HsG, and
its sources are unknown. On the one hand, Hrómundur could equally well
just decide to avenge Kári without any conversation with the king; because
Kári has already been introduced as Hrómundur’s foster-brother in chapter
2 of 19HsG, there is no need to repeat this information. On the other hand,
the repetition increases the dramatic mood of this episode, so it serves as a
stylistic improvement on the saga.
The discrepancies between 17HsG and 19HsG when it comes to epi-
sodes related to Kári do not end here. The description of Kári and his
brother’s first meeting with Hröngviður and his followers also delivers
evidence of a quite different style in the two narratives.
Konungr býþr Kára oc Örnulfi
aþ ganga upp á eýuna, oc vita,
huort þeir sæe einginn herskip.
Þeir gengu upp á landet, oc herskip under hömrum
nocrum. Þar var eirn dreke
allskrautligr. Kári kallar til
þeira, oc spir huorier fyrir
skiponom rieþi (1r:14–17)
Þá mælir Kóngr vit Kára: “nú skulot þit bræþr ganga
á land oc þvert yfir þessa eyo sem vit erom vit komnir,
oc vita hvort þér verþit ecki varir vit, at vícíngar neinir
séo hino meginn eyarinnar.” Kári mælir “sva skulom
vit gora sem þér tilmælit, Herra!” Taca þeir bræþr
vapn sín oc ganga á land upp oc yfir eyona, oc sem þeir
qvomo á hamar nocorn, sjá þeir vj herscip liggia undir
eyunni, micit stor oc skrautleg, þó bar þar eitt af öl-
lom, þat var dreci sva veglegr, at Kári þóktist ei annan
slícan sjeþ hafa, hann var scygþr oc scorinn stafna á
millom. Kári settist niþr oc qvaþ margar vísr af ágæti
scipana; síþan kallaþi hann til þeira er láo fyrir, oc spyr
hvorjir væro? (107r:21–107v:3)