Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1948, Side 57
PRAMPOLINI, G. La letteratura islandese mo-
derna. (II Convegno, n. 5—6). Milano 1930. 8vo.
PROTOKOL over den nordiske Postkonference i
Reykjavík. Rvík 1946. 8vo.
RAGNARS SAGA. Soga om Ragnar Lodbrok.
Med Krake-kvædet. Gamalnorsk grunntekst og
nynorsk omsetjing ved Severin Eskeland. 2.
opplaget. Norröne bokverk nr. 16. Oslo 1944.
SIGTRYGGSSON, S. (útg.): Deutsche Kultur-
und Characterbilder. 5. Ausg. Kbh. 1942. 8vo.
— Gloser og Forkiaringer til: S.S.: Tyske Læse-
stykker for Realklassen. 2. Udg. Kbh. 1939. 8vo.
- Kurzgefasste deutsche Grammatik fiir die
danische höhere Schule. 3. Ausg. Kbh. 1941.
— Tyske Læsestykker for det matematiske Gymna-
sium. 3. Udg. Kbh. 1943. 8vo.
— Tyske Læsestykker for Realklassen og lignende
Trin. 2. Udg. Kbh. 1938. 8vo.
SIGURÐSSON, BJÖRN. Effect of pll on stability
of vesicular stomalitis virus. (Proceedings of
the Society for experimental biol. and medicine,
52). N. Y. 1943.
— The influence of age of host and temperature
of incubation on infection of the chick embryo
with vesicular stomatitis virus. (Journal of
experimental medicine, 78, 1943).
— Morphological changes in rabbit lungs pro-
duced by repeated injections of fluid through
the trachea. (Acta pathol. et microbiol. Scand.
17). Kbh. 1940.
— A new method for demonstrating cyto-anti-
bodies in vitro. fProceedings of the Soc. for
experim. biol. and med., 50). N. Y. 1942.
— A specific antigen recovered from tissue in-
fected with M. Paratuberculosis (Johne’s Bacil-
lus) I—IV. (Joumal of immunology 51, 53, 55,
— Studies on influenzal infections in the chick-
embryo. (Journal of immunology, 48, 1944).
— The yield of rabies virus in the chick embryo.
(Journal of experint. med., 78, 1943).
— Ziichtung von Lungengewebe in vitro nach
einem neuen Verfahren. (Archiv fiir experi-
mentelle Zellforschung, 24). Jena 1940.
— and ÓLAFUR BJARNASON. Immunological
studies on an epidemic of influenza in Iceland.
(American Journal of public health, 36). N. Y.
DÓRS. The serological diagnosis of Johne’s
Disease of sheep. (Journal of comparative path-
ol. and therap., 55, 1945).
SNORRI STURLUSON. Snorres Kongesagaer.
Oslo 1944. 8vo.
monthly by The National Bank of Iceland and
The Statistical Bureau of Iceland. Reykjavík
1946—47. 8vo.
STEFÁNSSON, V. Ultima Thule. Further
mysteries of the Arctic. Lond. 1942. 8vo.
— Unsolved mysteries of the Arctic. Lond. 1939.
the plant-geography and flora of Ic.eland. IV.
Rvík 1946. 4to.
STRÖMHOLM, D. Ingjaldsdramat. Uppsala 1939.
SVEINSSON, EINAR ÖL. Folksagner om is-
lándska háxmástare. (Sérpr. úr „Arv“ 1946).
SVEINSSON, JÓN. Adventures a Skipalon. Paris
1945. 8vo.
— Comment Nonni trouva le bonheur. Paris 1946.
— Jours ensoleillés. Nonni en lslande. Paris 1945.
— Nonni. — En mer. Paris 1945. 8vo.
—• Nonni a Copenhague. La ville au bord de la
mer. Paris 1945. 8vo.
— Nonni part en Suéde. La ville au bord de la mer.
Paris 1945. 8vo.
— Nonni. Premiéres adventures. Paris 1945. 8vo.
— Nonni prisonnier. Adventures dans les Iles.
Paris 1940. 8vo.
— Nonni s’évade. Adventures dans les Iles. Paris
1940. 8vo.
SÆMUNDAR EDDA. Edda-kvæde. Norröne
fornsongar. Pá nynorsk ved Ivar Mortensson-
Egnund. Norröne bokverk nr. 21. Oslo 1944. 8vo.
THORKELSSON, T. Asymptotic solutions of dif-
ferential equations. Serial relations V. Vís-
indafélag íslendinga XXVII. Rvík 1946. 8vo.
TIIULSTRUP, W. Niels R. Finsen. Med Forord
og Efterskrift af S. Lomholt. Kbh. 1942. 8vo.