Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1979, Side 370
Árbók Háskóla íslands
A maríne magnetic survey off southern Ice-
land. Marine Geoph. Res. 2, 1976, bls.
Some measurements and computations rele-
vant to magnetic layer thickness estimates
in Iceland. Raunvísindastofnun háskól-
ans fjölrit 77—1, 1977.
(Meðhöf.: M. Iona.) Problems with
problems. ThePhysicsTeacher 15, 1977,
bls. 554—555.
(Meðhöf.: I. McDougall, K. Sæmundsson,
H. Jóhannesson, N. D. Watkins.) Ex-
tension of the geomagnetic polarity time
scale to 6.5 m. y. K-Ar dating, geological
and paleomagnetic study of a 3,500 m
lava succession in western Iceland. Bul-
letin Geol. Soc. America 88, 1977, bls.
(Meðhöf.: N. D. Watkins, I. McDougall.)
Upper Miocene and Pliocene geomagne-
tic secular variation in the Borgarfjördur
area of western Iceland. Geophys. J.
Royal Astr. Soc. 49, 1977, bls.
(Meðhöf.: N. D. Watkins.) Magneticstudies
of basalt fragments recovered by deep
drilling in Iceland, and the Magnetic
Layer concept Earth and Planet. Science
Letters 34, 1977, bls. 365—374.
(Meðhöf.: K. Thors, H. R. Karlsson.) Con-
firmation of central volcanoes offthe Ice-
landic coast. Nature 268, 1977, bls.
Stefnur segulfrávika við Reykjanesskaga.
Raunv. hásk. fjölrit 78—14, 1978.
Ný heimsmynd jarðfrœðinnar. Náttúrufr.
48. 1978, bls. 106—122.
(Meðhöf.: G. Pálmason, S. Arnórsson, I. B.
Friðleifsson, H. Kristmannsdóttir, K.
Sæmundsson, V. Stefánsson, B.
Steingrímsson, J. Tómasson.) The Ice-
land Crust: evidence from drillhole data
on structure and processes. Proc. Second
Maurice Ewing Symposium: Imphca-
tions of Deep Drilling Results in the At-
lantic Ocean, Arden House, Tuxedo,
New York 1979.
Rannsóknaskrá verkfræði- og raunvísinda-
deildar H. í. og stofnana hennar
1977—78. Fjölrit 1979, 16 bls.
í ritnefnd tímaritsins Týli til 1979.
(Meðhöf.: Sveinbjörn Björnsson.)
Seismic activity associated with the 19'
eruption of volcano Hekla in Icelan
Jökull 26, 1976, 8—19.
(Meðhöf.: F. W. Klein, Sveinbjorn
Björnsson.) The Borgarfjördur eart .
quakes of 1974 in fVest Iceland. Bu
Seism. Soc. Am. 1977, 187—208.
(Meðhöf.: F. W. Klein, M. Wyss.) The
Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, ea>
quake swarm of September 1972 and l,s
tectonic significance. J. Geophys. ReS'
1977, 865—888.
(Meðhöf.: Axel Björnsson, Kristján ^
mundsson, Eysteinn Tryggvason, Kar
Grönvold.) ,
Current rifting episode in North Icelan
Nature 1977, 318—323. >;
S-wave shadows in the Krafla caldera 1
NE-Iceland, evidence for a rnag>n
chamber in the crust. Bull. Volcano
1978, 1—9. . o,
Travel times recorded at lcelandic sets
graph stations during the RcyxJ^
Ridge, Iceland, Seismic Project (RR ^
Raunvísindastofnun háskólans, sky
RH-79-10, 1979, 33 bls.
Seismicity and earthquake focal ntec