Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1979, Qupperneq 371
Verkfræði- og raunvísindadeild og fræðasvið hennar
i'Ws along the mid-Atlantic plate
boundary between Iceland and the
Azores. Tectonophysics 1979,
(Meðhöf.: Bryndís Brandsdóttir.) Seismic
activity associated with the September
1977 deflation of the Krafla central
volcano in NE Iceland. J. Volcanol.
Geothermal Res. 1979, 197—212.
(Meðhöf.: C. Kisslinger, B. Naimark, D.
Valencio, P. Vyskocil, M. Chinnery, S.
Holdahl, H. Illies, A. W. Bally, V. V.
Beloussov, Y. Lancelot, C. Nishiwaki.
27ie Lithosphere: Frontier for the 1980’s.
Á program of international research in
'he solid-earth sciences, as proposed
jointly by the task groups on planning of
ihe International Union of Geodesy and
Geophysics and the International Union
°1 Geological Sciences. (Skýrsla til
stjórna IUGG oglUGS.) 1979, 102 bls.
(Meðhöf.: G. Angenheister, H. Gebrande,
Miller, W. Weigel, P. Goldflam, W.
■lacoby, G. Pálmason, Sveinbjörn
Hjörnsson, S. Zverev, B. Loncarevic, S.
Solomon.) First results from the Reykja-
nes Ridge, Iceland, seismic project 1977.
Nature 1979, 56—60.
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(Meðhöf.: Jóhann Már Maríusson.) Power
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(Meðhöf.: Páll Einarsson.) Seismic activity
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Jarðskjálftar á íslandi. Náttúrufr. 45, 1976,
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Nýting hraunhita í Vestmannaeyjum.
Fylkir, jólablað 1976, bls. 43, 45—48.
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Menntun verkfrœðinga, tæknifrœðinga og
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VRD) 3, 1976, bls. 42—46.
Eðlisfrœði og þróun heimsmyndar. Kafli í:
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3—20. Bóksala stúdenta, Rv. 1977.
Estimation of the reservoir potential of the
Olkaria geothermal field in Kenya. Pro-
ceedings of the Nordic Symposium on
Geothermal Energy, May 29 to June 1,
1978, Chalmers Tekniska Högskolan,
Göteborg, Supplement 1978, bls. 7—29.
Brot úr sögu raunvísinda á íslandi. Árbók
Vísindafélags íslendinga 1978. (I
(Meðhöf.: Páll Einarsson, Fred W. Klein.)
The Borgarfjördur earthquakes of 1974
in West Iceland. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am67,
1977, bls. 187—208.