Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1979, Síða 408
Árbók Háskóla íslands
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Current directions in Euroþéan Parapsy-
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Study of relaxation techniques when using
plethysmographic recordings as indica-
tors of ESP. Res. Parapsychology 1978.
The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, New
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(Meðhöf.: Karlis Osis.) Deathbed observa-
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cultural survey. The Signet Handbook of
Parapsychology, New American Library,
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Inchiesta nazionale sulle esperienze
psichiche e sull’ atteggiamento nei
confronti del paranormale in Islanda.
Luce e ombra 79, nr. 2, 1979, bls.
121—126. (Þýðing á National survey of
psychical experiences and attitudes to-
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(Meðhöf.: Karlis Osis.) Reply lo Dr.
McHarg (on criticism of “At the Hour of
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Tvœr ritgerðir: Sálnatrú í frumstœðum trú-
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Afríka, álfa bœnda og hraðfara breytinga.
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Tabus and Hunting Rules, part I. Fjölrit
The Democratic Process and the Minorities.
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Próun apa og manna. Fjölrit 1978.
Rannsókn á viðhorfum til hamlaðra o
vinnumarkaði. Fjölrit (ásamt Guðrunu
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Pjóð við yzta haf. Pættir um menningu
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Um skynsemi laganna. Samvinnan 70, 6,
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Issue Groupings, Political Divisions, Politt'
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The Icelandic Multilevel Coalition System■
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Peripheries and Nationalism: The Faroes
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Network Parties. The Effects of Smallness
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