

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1998, Síða 29

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1998, Síða 29
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 741 Áhyggjur foreldra af málþroska barna á aldrinum tveggja til sjö ára Evald Sæmundsen’1, Helga Hannesdóttir2>, Stella Hermannsdóttir’1, Guömundur B. Arnkelsson31 Sæmundsen E, Hannesdóttir H, Hermannsdóttir S, Arnkelsson GB Parents’ concerns about language development of their children aged two to seven studied with the CBCL Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 741-7 Objective: This is a pilot-study in Iceland of pa- rents’ concems about language development of their children. Little is known about the rate and the ex- pression of such concems and such data is important for developmental surveillance. Material and methods: This study forms a part of a larger study of the mental health of Icelandic chil- dren aged 2-18 years with the Child Behavior Check- list (CBCL). Parents’ concems of language problems were studied with the CBCL in 444 children aged two to seven sampled on a national level in Iceland. These concems were examined by indipendent speech and language therapists and categorized as speech or language concems, and graded by their possible seriousness. Results: The CBCL picks up host of reasons for parents’ concems. According to the parents’ comple- tion of the CBCL about 13% of the sample were con- sidered to have some language problems. The fre- quency of responses showing language problems was not related to the age of the children. The male- female ratio was 1.5:1. According to speech and language therapists’ categorization of parents’ con- cems, parents described speech problems in majority of cases (72%) as opposed to language problems Frá 1) Greiningar- og ráðgjafarstöð ríkisins, 2) Sjúkrahúsi SÁÁ Vogi, 3) félagsvísindadeild Háskóla íslands. Fyrir- spurnir, bréfaskipti: Evald Sæmundsen, Greiningar- og ráðgjafarstöð ríkisins, Digranesvegi 5,200 Kópavogi. Sími: 564 1744. Lykilorð: áhyggjur foreldra, málþroski, CBCL. (18%). These specialists considered parents’ con- cerns to reflect more serious complaints as the chil- dren grew older. Conclusions: The majority of parents’ concerns were considered to reflect real problems according to specialists. There were indications that parents do not make a distinction between language and speech. This needs to be studied further in order to better in- form parents on language development and its dis- orders, and to contribute to a better focused develop- mental surveillance. Key words: parents' concerns, language development, CBCL. Ágrip Tilgangur: Frumathugun á áhyggjum for- eldra af málþroska bama sinna. Lítið er vitað um tíðni og birtingarform slíkra áhyggja en upplýsingar um þær eru mikilvægar fyrir reglubundið eftirlit með þroska. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsóknin byggir á gögnum sem aflað var í tengslum við víðtæka rannsókn á geðheilsu barna og unglinga á fs- landi á aldursbilinu 2-18 ára með spumingalista yfir atferli barna og unglinga (Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL). Kannaðar voru áhyggjur foreldra af málörðugleikum barna í úrtaki 444 barna af öllu landinu á aldrinum tveggja til sjö ára. Þessar áhyggjur, eins og þær birtust sem skrifaðar athugasemdir, voru síðan metnar af talmeinafræðingum og flokkaðar eftir því hvort þær áttu fremur við tal eða mál og einnig flokk- aðar eftir alvarleika. Niðurstöður: Spurningalistinn nær til fjöl- breytilegra áhyggjuefna af málþroska. Tæplega 13% bamanna voru talin hafa málörðugleika að mati foreldra. Tíðni svara um málörðugleika var ekki háð aldri. Hlutfall drengja og stúlkna í
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