

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1999, Page 10

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1999, Page 10
398 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 D-vítamínhagur og árstíðabundnar sveiflur í ýmsum aldurshópum kvenna á íslandi Gunnar Sigurösson1-2', Leifur Franzson13*, Hólmfríöur Þorgeirsdóttir4’, Laufey Steingrímsdóttir41 Sigurðsson G, Franzson L, Þorgeirsdóttir H, Steingrímsdóttir L Vitamin I) intake and serum 25-OH-vitamin D concentration in different age groups of Icelandic women Læknablaðið 1999; 85: 398-405 Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the vitamin D intake and serum concentrations of 25- OH-vitamin D (25-OH-D) in different age groups of Icelandic women. The seasonal variation of 25-OH- D and its relationship with parathyroid hormone (PTH) level was evaluated but some studies have indicated that subclinical vitamin D deficiency may lead to osteoporosis because of secondary elevations of parathyroid hormone levels and subsequent bone mineral release. Material and methods: 25-OH-D was measured (RIA, Incstar) in serum from the following age groups of women; 12-15 years (n=325), 16, 18 and 20 years (n=247), 25 years (n=86), 34-48 years (n=107) and in 70 years old (n=308). PTH (IRMA, Nichols) was measured only in the 70 years old. vitamin D intake was assessed by a standardized food frequency questionnaire. The seasonal variation of 25-OH-D was evaluated in the age group 12-15 years and 70 years old. Results: In the different age groups the 25-OH-D concentration was positively correlated to vitamin D intake (r=0.2-0.54; p<0.05). The mean concentration of 25-OH-D in 12-15 years old was 34.6+22 nmol/L Frá "rannsóknarstofu um beinbrot og beinþynningu, z|lyf- lækningadeild og 31rannsóknardeild Sjúkrahúss Reykja- víkur, 4|Manneldisráöi Islands. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Gunnar Sigurösson lyflækningadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykja- víkur. Sími: 525 1000. Lykilorö: D-vítamín, árstíöasveiflur, kalkhormón. compared to 53.9±20 nmol/L in the 70 years old, p<0.01. The levels of the other age groups were in between. A marked seasonal variation in 25-OH-D was obser- ved in the 12-15 years old with low vitamin D intake whereas only a slight seasonal variation was noted in the 70 years old with a mean vitamin D intake of 15 pg/day. Conclusions: The vitamin D status amongst 70 years old women in Iceland is good because of common intake of codliveroil and vitamin D supplements (83%). The desirable level for 25-OH-D in this age group seems to be around 50 nmol/L and this level is achieved by the intake of 15-20 pg/day (600-800 units) of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is however common amongst 12-15 years old during late winter. Low serum 25-OH-D levels are also common amongst the other age groups studied during late winter. From the results it seems reasonable to recommend that foods like milk should be fortified with vitamin D in Iceland, especially during winter time. Keywords: 25-OH-vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, seasonal variation, iceiandic women. Ágrip Markmið: Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta neyslu D-vítamíns og bera saman við 25- OH-vítamín D þéttni í sermi (25-OH-D) í ýms- um hópum kvenna á aldursbilinu 12-70 ára. Ennfremur vildum við kanna tengsl 25-OH-D við magn kalkhormóns í sermi (parathyroid hormone, PTH), en ýmislegt bendir til að vægur skortur á D-vítamíni valdi beinþynn- ingu, vegna lægri þéttni kalsíums í blóði sem leiði til aukinnar framleiðslu kalkhormóns og þar með til aukinnar losunar steinefna úr bein- um. Efniviður og aðferðir: 25-OH-D var mælt í eftirfarandi hópum kvenna, sem valdir voru
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