Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.05.2018, Síða 83

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.05.2018, Síða 83
M i t t í m e r k i n g a r k r í s u n n i TMM 2018 · 2 83 Uppfærð útgáfa greinarinnar birtist í: Ward Churchill: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U. S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality. AK Press. Chico. 2003. Síðasta útgáfa hennar, sögð „fullmótuð“ og birt undir titlinum „The Ghosts of 9-1-1: Reflect ions on History, Justice and Roosting Chickens,“ birtist í: Ward Churchill: Wielding Words like Weapons: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 1995–2005. PM Press. Oakland. 2015. 15 Sjá: Liz Garbus: Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech. HBO. 2009. Um Pavonica- fjöldamorðið, sjá: Carl Waldman: Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes (Third Edition). Checkmark Books. New York. 206. Bls 312–23. 16 Kristján frá Djúpalæk: „Sinfónía“. Lífið kallar. Bókaútgáfan Sindur. Akureyri. 1950. 17 Sjá markmið samtakanna á: https://www.goacta.org/about/mission [Sótt 15.01.2018] 18 „How Many Ward Churchills? A Study by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni“. Washington. 2006. 19 „Letter from Governor Bill Owens Callin on Ward Churchill to Resign as Professor at the Uni- versity of Colorado“. Í Stephen E. Atkins, ritstj.: The 9/11 Encyclopedia (Second Edition). ABC- CLIO. Santa Barbara. 2011. Bls. 111. 20 Liz Garbus: Shouting Fire: Stories from the Edge of Free Speech. 2009. 21 „The O‘Reilly Factor“. Fox News. 07.02.2016. Aðgengilegt á: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=D6_Myh2sDhk [Sótt 15.01.2018] 22 „Hjarta Bandaríkjahers“. Fréttablaðið. 12.09.2001. Bls. 6. 23 „Three hours of terror and chaos that brought a nation to a halt“. The Guardian. 12.09.2001. Bls. 7. 24 „An Icon of Capitalism: ‚Now It‘s All Gone‘“. The Washington Post. 12.09.2001. Bls. 17. 25 „A direct strike at the very heart of global capitalism“. The Guardian. 12.09.2001. Bls. 27. 26 „Árás á hjarta kapítalismans“. DV. 12.09.2001. Bls. 4. 27 „Dollari og hlutabréf lækka“. Morgunblaðið. 12.09.2001. Bls. 2. 28 „Fearful consumers could stop spending“. The Guardian. 14.09.2001. Bls. 28. 29 „President Holds Prime Time News Conference“. 11.10.2001. The White House. Aðgengilegt á: https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011011-7.html [Sótt 15.01.2018] 30 Churchill bætti því síðar við að út frá sömu forsendum og bandarísk hernaðaryfirvöld réttlæta vísvitandi árásir á óbreytta borgara sem „hliðarskaða“ (e. collateral damage) mætti réttlæta fall þeirra þann 11. september 2001 sem hvorki teldust hernaðarleg né teknókratísk skotmörk. Sjá: „The Kelly File Exclusive: Interview with Ward Churchill“. Fox News. Dags. vantar. Aðgengilegt á: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itXJx5KAN6c [Sótt 15.01.2001] 31 „Full text: bin Laden‘s ‚letter to America‘“. The Guardian. 24.11.2002. https://www.theguardian. com/world/2002/nov/24/theobserver [Sótt 15.01.2018] 32 „Hugleysingjar réðust á frelsið“. Morgunblaðið B. 12.09.2001. Bls. 4. 33 Ernst Pawel: The Nightmare of Reason: A Life of Franz Kafka. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. New York. 1984. Bls. 315. 34 Ward Churchill: „‚Some People Push Back‘: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens“. 2001. 35 Christian Hänggi: „Stockhausen at Ground Zero“. Fillip 15 – Fall 2011. 2011. 36 „A NATION CHALLENGED: ADVERTISING; The industry tries to grapple with the mood of consumers and the direction of the economy“. The New York Times. 18.09.2001. http://www. nytimes.com/2001/09/18/business/nation-challenged-advertising-industry-tries-grapple- with-mood-consumers.html [Sótt 15.01.2018] 37 Peter Lamborn Wilson: „Crisis of Meaning“. Hermetic Library. 2001. https://hermetic.com/ bey/crisis-meaning [Sótt 15.01.2018] 38 „A NATION CHALLENGED: THE ADVERTISING; Insurers, Reaching Out to the Public, Hope to Alter Their Image“. The New York Times. 19.09.2001. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/19/ business/nation-challenged-advertising-insurers-reaching-public-hope-alter-their-image.html [Sótt 15.01.2018] 39 Peter Lamborn Wilson: „Crisis of Meaning“. 2001. 40 John Gray: Straw Dogs. Granta Books. 2003. Bls. 175. 41 „Heimur vitfirringa“. DV. 12.09.2001. Bls. 4. 42 David Kelley: „9/11 and The War Against Modernity“. The Atlas Society. 01.05.2002. https://
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