Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.05.2018, Page 84
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84 TMM 2018 · 2
[Sótt 15.01.2018]
43 „Letters from a serial killer: Inside the Unabomber archive“. Yahoo. 25.01.2016. https://www.
[Sótt 15.01.2018]
44 Samuel P. Huntington: „The Clash of Civilizations?“ Foreign Affairs. Bindi 72. Tbl. 3. 1993. Bls.
45 Jean Baudrillard: „The Spirit of Terrorism“. Þýð. Chris Turner. 03.11.2001. Aðgengileg á http://
insomnia.ac/essays/the_spirit_of_terrorism [Sótt 15.01.2018]
46 Richard Schechner: „9/11 as Avantgarde Art?“ PMLA. Bindi. 124. Tbl. 5. október 2009. Bls.
47 „Ræða utanríkisráðherra á Alþingi 3. október 2001: Hryðjuverkaárásirnar á Bandaríkin“.
Aðgengileg á: https://www.stjornarradid.is/raduneyti/utanrikisraduneytid/fyrri-radherrar/
stok-raeda-fyrrum-radherra/2001/10/03/Hrydjuverkaarasirnar-a-Bandarikin-Raeda- rad-
herra- a-Althingi [Sótt 15.01.2018]
48 „Mótsögnin er kjarni mannlegrar tilveru“. DV. 15.10.2017. Aðgengilegt á: http://www.dv.is/
menning/2017/10/15/halldor-armand-asgeirsson [Sótt 15.01.2018]
49 Halldór Armand: „Heimurinn eftir 11. september: Óvísindaleg rannsókn á firringu og merk-
ingarleysi á öld sítengingar“. 28.12.2017. Aðgengilegt á: https://medium.com/@halldrasgeirsson
[Sótt 15.01.2018]
50 „CNN Sept. 11, 2001 8:48 am – 9:29 am“. Aðgengilegt á: https://archive.org/details/
cnn200109110848-0929 [Sótt 15.01.2018]
51 The Guardian. 13.09.2001. Bls. 11.
52 Ted Kaczynski: „Industrial Society and its Future“. The Washington Post. 19.09.1995. Aðgengi-
leg á: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/unabomber/manifesto.text.
htm [Sótt 15.01.2018]
53 Lev Grossman: „2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal“. TIME. 177. bindi. Tbl. 7. 21.02.2011.
Aðgengileg á: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2048299-1,00.html [Sótt
54 Kirkpatrick Sale: „Rebels Against the Future: The Luddites and their War on the Industrial
Revolution – Lessons for the Computer Age“. Addison Wesley. 1996. Bls. 209.
55 „Fá allar Apple-græjur og kokk frá Argentínu í hádeginu“. Viðskiptablaðið. 21.07.2013.
Aðgengilegt á: http://www.vb.is/frettir/fa-allar-apple-graejur-og-kokk-fra-argentinu-i-hadeg-
inu/93733/?q=Gr%C3%A6jur [Sóttt 15.01.2018]
56 Alexander Linklater: „The Examined Life by Stephen Grosz – review“. The Guardian.
27.01.2013. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/jan/27/examined-life-stephen-grosz-
review [Sótt 15.01.2018]
57 Sjá t.d. „Stuntman, Eluding Guards, Walks a Tightrope Between Trade Center Towers“. The
New York Times. 08.08.1974. Bls. 20.
58 „Blair: trust me on public services“. The Guardian. 11.09.2001. Bls. 1.
59 Greil Marcus: Lipstick Traces: A Secret History of the 20th Century. Faber and Faber. London.
2001. Bls. 105.
60 „Konungur poppsins snýr aftur“. Morgunblaðið. 12.09.2001. Bls. 42. Myndbandsupptöku af
ræðu Brando má sjá á: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lqg3D4b8XA [Sótt 05.01.2018]
61 André Breton: Manifestoes of Surrealism. Þýð. Richard Seaver og Helen R. Lane. Ann Arbour.
1971. Bls. 125.
62 Comte de Lautréamont: Lautréamont‘s Maldoror. Þýð. Alexis Lykiard. Thomas Y. Crowell. New
York. 1972. Bls.177.
63 USA for Africa: „We are the World“. 1985. Aðgengilegt á: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-
M9BNoNFKCBI [Sótt 15.01.2018]
64 Peter Lamborn Wilson: „Crisis of Meaning“. 2001.
65 „Little left to bomb in Afghanistan“. The Guardian. 15.09.2001. Bls. 5.
66 Peter Lamborn Wilson: „Crisis of Meaning“. 2001.
67 Daníel 1–3. Biblían. Gamla testamentið. Hið íslenska Biblíufélag. Reykjavík. 1988. Bls. 894–898.