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ritrýnd grein scientific paper
tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga • 3. tbl. 95. árg. 2019 95
Aim: adolescence is a time of great change and frequent risk-tak-
ing. The purpose of the current study was to pilot test the new
clinical screening tool hEiLung, designed to assess the health of
adolescents in high schools, with regard to protective factors and
risk factors/risk behavior, also to determine its practical value.
Method: a pilot study of hEiLung was conducted along with
three interviews with a school nurse. Data collection was carried
out by a school nurse in one high school in reykjavík. a purposive
sample was used and those students who came to the school nurse
for health related reasons in spring 2016 were invited to partici-
pate. factor analysis, correlation and hypothesis testing were per-
formed. interviews with the school nurse were transcribed and
classified based on preset categories.
Results: Participants were 68 students 15–20 years old; mean age was
17,9 years, 76% were female and 24% male. factor analysis revealed
two factors: self-concept and self-efficacy. risk factors/risk behavior
could not be factor analysed. The internal consistency was found
to be above α=0.8 for both factors. Correlation was found between
the self-image and self-efficacy but not between protective factors
and risk factors/risk behavior. The results supported the construct
validity of the protective factors. interviews with the school nurse
indicated the instrument was easy to use and it gave more compre-
hensive view of adolescents health than the standard interview.
Conclusion: The pilot study yielded positive indications about the
reliability and construct validity of the screening tool hEiLung
regarding protective factors. however, further studies need to be
carried out with a larger sample for a better understanding of the
risk factors/risk behavior. The screening tool hEiLung is easy to
use and gives a comprehensive picture of adolecents’ health.
Key words: adolescents, adolescent health, protective factors, risk
factors, risk behavior, screening tool.
Correspondent: arnagard85@gmail.com
English Summary
gardarsdottir, a, Orlygsdottir, B., Tryggvadottir, g. B, Bender, S. S.
health of high-school adolescents: pilot testing of the clinical screening tool hEiLung