Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1923, Qupperneq 108

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1923, Qupperneq 108
104 (raised terraces) and round the outermost part of the mount- ains between them (rock-terraces). In the entrances to some valleys these marine terraces form barriers that are some- what higher than further up the valleys. It appears that the glaciers extended, for a considerable period, as far as the entrances to the valleys, and piled up terminal moraines, which the sea at a later period levelled somewhat and formed into terraces. By this time the glaciers must have left the entrances to the valleys. 4. Marine ierraces of more recent íitnes and the dis- tinction behveen them and older terraces, (pp. 60—65). Observations are here recorded, which show that old marine formations are general and continuous in all the ex- plored tract up to a height of 40—50 m. above sea-level. Terraces are most common 20 — 30 m. above sea-level ad- vancing evenly up to 40 — 50 m. above sea-level. Above that height marine formations are indistinct and not con- tinuous. At the height of 40 — 50 m. there is in many places a clear line of demarcation between marine formations that lie above and below this height: a) Rock terraces, sea-cliffs and gravel terraces are gener- ally especially distinct at this elevation, and steep ascents or gravel slopes run from the terraces found at this height up to the higher terraces. b) Just below the 40 — 50 m. line the marine formations are much more distinct and appear to be more recent than those above. This seems to point to a greater difference in age than would be deduced from the difference in height. c) Fossil remains of marine animals (shells etc.) are found in many places below the 40 — 50 m. line, but nowhere above it. This would seem to indicate that: 1) Either the recession of the sea from the upper marine boundary down to the present sea-Ievel ceased for a long period, and the coast-line remain- ed unchanged at this height (40 — 50 m.). 2) Or the sea at
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Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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