Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1923, Page 112
BeFore this subsidence began, the sea-level was probably as
low or lower than at present.
2. The sea-level stationary at the highest marine boundary.
3. Fall of the sea-level from the highest marine boundary
to a level about 50 m. higher than at present.
4. The sea-level stationary at this height, —or continuously
sinking farther down and re-elevating up to the 40 — 50 m.
level (pp. 03 — 65).
5. Fall of the sea-level from the 40 — 50 m. height to a
level at least 4 — 5 m. lower than at present. When the sea-
board was at this low level the beach-peat must have been
formed which is found down to low-water mark on the
beach in Faxaflói (pp. 65 — 68).
6. Rise of the sea up to present sea-level. This rise of
the sea or subsidence of the land is probably still contin-
uing in Faxaflói.
The thick line on the accompanying map shows the posi-
tion of the coast-line and the shape of the fjords in Faxa-
flói, when the sea-board reached its highest limit late in
the Glacial Period. Where the line is broken (thus ..........)
the high-water marks have not been accurately surveyed,
and the line is drawn according to estimate. At Reykjanes-
skagi the line is drawn at the same height as elsewhere,
but at this place recent lava has flowed a considerable dis-
tance over the old raised beach and destroyed the ancient
marine deposits, so that their upper bounds cannot be de-
termined. On the map the present coast-line and rivers be-
low the upper marine boundary are marked with a thin
dotted line. The heavy dots (•) 1—29 indicate places where
fossil shells were discovered, in the same order as on page 78.
7. On the fossil shell deposits (pp. 77—90).
a) Thc localities ivhcre thc shclls wcrc found (pp. 77—80).
Col. 1 in the table gives the names of localities; Col. 2,
height of the shell-strata above sea-level; Col. 3, height of