Sagnir - 01.06.2009, Síða 84

Sagnir - 01.06.2009, Síða 84
Sagnir, 29. árgangur ágúst 2009. 14) Oryggisráð Sameinuðu þjóðanna, 5962. fundur. <http:// -> S/ PV.5962> Skoðað 13. ágúst 2009. 15) Öryggisráð Sameinuðu þjóðanna, 5953. fundur. <http:// -> S/ PV.5953> Skoðað 13. ágúst 2009. Tilvitnun á frummáli: „What legal terms can be used to describe what has been done by the Georgian leadership? Can we use “ethnic cleansing”, for example, when, over a number of days, nearly 30,000 of the 120,000 people of South Ossetia have become refugees ... Is that ethnic cleansing or is it not ? Should we describe that as genocide or not? When out of that population of 120,000, 2,000 innocent civilians die on the first day, is that genocide or is it not? How many people, how many civilians must die before we describe it as genocide?“ 16) Öryggisráð Sameinuðu þjóðanna, 5969. fundur. <http:// -> S/ PV.5969> Skoðað 13. ágúst 2009. 17) Umræðu um þetta má meðal annars finna í: Jia, Bing Bing. „The Independence of Kosovo: A Unique Case of Secession?“ ChineseJournaloflnternationalLaw, 2009. 8(1): bls. 27-46. 18) Kosovo og Vojvodina fengu þó aðeins einn fulltrúa hvor á meðan aðildarríkin sjálf fengu tvo hvert. Sjá t.d.: Malcolm, Noel. Kosovo: A Short History. 1998. London: Papermac. Bls. 327. 19) Sjá: Harzl, Benedikt C. „Conflicting Perceptions: Russia, the West and Kosovo." Review of Central and East European Law. 2008. 33(4): bls. 419-518.; Múllerson, Rein. „Precedents in the Mountains: On the Parallels and Uniqueness of the Case of Kosovo, South Ossetia and Abkhazia/ ChineseJournaloflnternationalLaw, 2009. 8(1): bls. 2-25. 20) Kennedy, Paul. The Parliament of Man. The Past, Present and Future of the United Nations. 2007, New York: Vintage Books. Bls. 64. Myndaskrá: Mynd 1: Kort af Georgíu og átakasvæðunum, frá Sameinuðu þjóðunum Mynd 2: Mynd af forsíðu blaðsins Kvilis Palitra, 1. mars 2009. 82
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