

Læknablaðið - 15.04.2007, Qupperneq 61

Læknablaðið - 15.04.2007, Qupperneq 61
ÞING SKURÐLÆKNA, SVÆFINGA- OG GJÖRGÆSLULÆKNA / ÁGRIP ERINDA kvarða. VAS <3 var metinn ásættanlegur árangur. Dreypihraði í ml/klst og notkun verkjalyfja var borin saman milli hópa. Niðurstöður Verkjastilling í hvíld/viö hreyfingu <50ára 51-70 ára >70 ára Fyrsti dagur. VAS<3 í hvíld 86% 93% 92% Fyrsti dagur. VAS<3 við hreyfingu 62% 66% 74% Annar dagur VAS<3 í hvíld 90% 95% 93% Annar dagur VAS<3 við hreyfingu 77% 81% 87% Dreypihraði á öðrum degi 8,3 ml/klst 8,0 ml/klst 7,25 ml/klst Notkun ópíatverkjalyfia 43% 29% 25% Notkun salýlyfja 48% 46% 30% Ályktun: Verkjastilling var betri, dreypihraði lægri og notkun sterkra verkjalyfja var minni í eldri aldurshópi en í öðrum hópum. Ofangreindar klínískar niðurstöður staðfesta því fyrri rannsóknir. " Simon MJG el al. Effecl ofage on llie clinical profile and systemic absorbtion and disposition of levobupivacaine after epidural administration. BJA 2004; 93:512-20. E-36 Klórgasslys á Eskifirði Hulda Bima Eiríksdóttirl, Björn Magnússonl, Guðjón Leifur Gunnarsson2, Hannes Sigmarssonl, Kristinn Tómasson3, Stefán Þórarinssonl huldaei@visir.is 'Heilbrigðisstofnun Austurlands, :Odense Universitets Hospital, 3Vinnu- eftirlit ríkisins Inngangur: Vegna mistaka við áfyllingu á klórtank í Sundlaug Eskifjarðar í júní 2006 losnaði töluvert magn af klórgasi út í andrúmsloftið og olli eitrun hjá starfsmönnum og sundlaugargestum. Einnig barst gasið yfir nærliggjandi leikvöll og leikskóla. Efniviður og aðferðir: Gerð var úttekt á slysinu og afleiðingum þess fyrir einstaklingana sem í því lentu. Niðurstöður: Alls leituðu 59 manns á heilsugæslu Eskifjarðar eftir slysið, 34 börn og 25 fullorðnir. Einkenni voru frá vægum særindum í hálsi og upp í andnauð. Samtals 36 sjúklingar voru fluttir á Fjórðungssjúkrahúsið á Neskaupsstað. Tveir þeirra voru fluttir áfram til FSA á gjörgæslu en fjórir á Landspítala á almennar legudeildir. Björgunaraðgerðir voru með þeim stærri sem settar hafa verið í gang á landinu. Strax í upphafi var Samhæfingarstöð Almannavarna virkjuð. Björgunarviðbragðið krafðist samvinnu margra aðila af öllu landinu. Almenningur veitti mikilvæga hjálp. Áætlað er að 200-300 manns hafi komið að aðgerðum með einum eða öðrum hætti. Ályktun: Umfangsmiklar björgunaraðgerðir voru settar í gang, bæði í héraði og á landsvísu og reyndi á skipulag almannavarna. Meirihluti þeirra sem fyrir eitruninni varð jafnaði sig skjótt og enginn lést. E-37 Radiological behaviour of a cervical interbody fusion cage (BAK/C). A randomized clinical study using radioste- reometry (RSA) Björn Zoéga', Bengt Lind2 bjornz@landspitali.is ‘Landspítali, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden Introduction: To avoid graft collapse with subsequent subsi- dence and malalignment of a fused segment in cervical spine degenerative surgery, the use of fusion cages has increased over the last years. No randomized studies exist that demonst- rate the difference between the two methods in terms of graft subsidence and angulation of the fused segment.The aim of this study was to study subsidence and angulation that occurs after a single-level discectomy and fusion (ACDF) with autograft or a threaded fusion cage (BAK/C). Material and methods: A randomized clinical study using radiostereometry (RSA) with a 2-years follow-up was performed. The size of the study population was calculated to be 24 patients to reach a significant difference at the 95% CI level. Consecutive patients with one-level cervical radiculopathy scheduled for surgery were randomized to ACDF with autograft or to fusion cage. Tantalum markers were inserted in both adjacent vertebrae at the end of surgery. Radiostereometry was performed immediately postoperatively and at regular intervals for 2 years. Questionnaires were used to evaluate the clinical outcome and an unbiased observer graded the outcome after 2 years. Results: No significant differences was found between the two methods after 2 years in regard of narrowing of the disc space (mean: 1.7 and 1.4 mm respectively) or deformation of the fused segment into flexion (mean: 7.7° and 4.6° respectively). Patients in the cage group had a significantly better outcome in terms of reduction of both arm and neck pain and in Odom’s score. Discussion: The findings of subsidence and flexion deformation of the fused segment after 2 years seem to be of no clinical importance after one level cervical disc surgery. However, in multi-level surgery using the same methods, an additive effect of the deformations of the fused segments may affect the clinical outcome. E-38 Bone-metal stability of the Bryan disc prosthesis, a RadioStereometric 2 year Analysis Björn Zoega1. Bengt Lind2 bjornz@landspitali.is ‘Landspítali, Reykjavík, Iceland, 2Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göte- borg, Sweden Introduction: The effect of usion on adjacent discs in cervical spine surgery has been postulated to lead to increased stress, increased motion and increased degeneration on radiography on adjacent discs. In the early era of artificial disc prosthesis Fernström balls did not preserve motion but created fusion in the lumbar spine. The Bryan cervical disc prosthesis uses a de- Læknablaðið 2007/93 3 25
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