Tímarit Máls og menningar

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.02.2004, Qupperneq 19

Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.02.2004, Qupperneq 19
SOME OUTLINES OF A MOTION PlCTURE ... trip around the coast buying fish everywhere. Through his bino- culars, the captain catches sight of some dark, moving spot in the horizon. They look at it, conferring about it. Finally the captain gives orders to change the course. On a rock, the top of which is just hidden under the surface at high-water, Salka Valka is seen half in water, clinging to a vertically upstanding oar on the end of which sways a piece of cloth. She has lost consciousness. She wakes up from her oblivion in a beautiful room in the fish merchant’s house, where she had been once before as a girl. The end. Angantyr makes proposal to marry her. Again she has the choice between her old pants and the position of a queen. The gossip in the village tells that the woman in pants is going to marry the young, rich merchant. In the night, however, Salka Valka escapes out of the same window she has fled once before. She walks to Arnold’s hut and wakes up Arnold’s old father. She asks about his horses. The old man tells her that they look miserable, because he must econo- mize on the hay. She remarks: „I will bring all the hay they can eat tomorrow.“ She goes into the stable and feeds the horses abundantly from the scanty supply. She caresses them passionately. Then she enters the hut again and makes coffee for the old man. Surprised by all this, he remarks that they all say that she is going to marry the young fish merchant. She acts as if she did not hear him, and makes herself at home here. She fingers with Arnold’s things as if they were her own. Re- joicing, she reads his puerile poetry, which is written in grotesque handwriting and full of orthographic faults. She tears calmly and resolutely to pieces some photographs of girls she happens to find in his drawers. Then she catches sight of his beautiful Icelandic whip on the wall. She takes it down, then she turns to the old man and says: „What I am going to do? I am going to stay in this house until the owner comes and chases me out with this whip.“ TMM 2004 • 1 17
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Tímarit Máls og menningar

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