Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1953, Blaðsíða 107
Um toxoplasmosis
ur bert fáar dagar, eftir at verturin er deyður, hevur hann,
ið etur skerpikjot, neyvan nógv at óttast fyri, um seyðurin
so verður smittaður.
Two cases of toxoplasmosis occurred in the Faroes in Oc-
tober and December 1951. The first patient was an eight
year old boy who fell ill with adenitis colli immediately
after recovering from measles. In the case of the other
patient, a man of 51, the illness strongly suggested sepsis;
he ran a temperature, at times high, for six weeks. Toxo-
plasma reactions in the blood were markedly positive with
both patients. The source of infeotion is unknown, but
suspicion falls on the cats belonging to the patients’ homes.
One of these cats died of an unknown and uninvestigated
complaint, which could conceivably have been toxoplas-
mosis. The other cat showed a positive neutralisation
reaction (1:50) a year and a half after the owner’s illness.
Blood from 22 adults, all living at home, was tested
during 1952 and 1953 with toxoplasma reactions. 16
tests were negative, 5 showed very slight positive neutrali-
sation reactions (1:10), while in a single case 'both reac-
tions were positive (1:250 and 1:4). In this case the dog
living in the house may well have been the source of in-
fection. In 1947 this animal was attacked by a very
prevalent, infectious and often fatal canine disease.
1. Christiansen, M.: De vigtigste smitsomme sygdomme hos vildtet.
Maanedsskrift for Dyrlæger 47: 460 1935—36.
2. Sjolte, J. P.: Toxoplasmosis canis. Skandinavisk veterinártids-
skrift. Árg. XXXVII. Háft 9. 501. 1947.