Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1981, Síða 43

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1981, Síða 43
SVERÐIÐ ÚR HRAFNKELSDAL 47 Benedikt ísaksson lést seint í desember 1937 samkvæmt prestþjónustubók Valþjófsstaðar- prestakalls. 10 íslensk fornrit XI 1950, 119. 11 Samtal við Sverri Þorsteinsson, skráð í Klúku í Fljótsdal 01.08. 1979. Um spjótsoddinn veit ég ekki frekar. 12 íslensk fornrit XI 1950, 119. 13 Samtal við Sigurð Þórarinsson 10.10. 1981. 14 Þór Magnússon 1971, 87. SUMMARY Just before the turn of the last century an old sword of the ULFBREHT type was found in Hrafnkelsdalur. The sale of this sword to Denmark caused some discussion in weekly papers published in Eastern lceland at the time. Neither in these discussions nor elsewhere is there to be found any information of the sword’s finding-place in Hrafnkelsdalur, but when the sword was given to the Statens historiska museum in Stockholm it was stated that it was found in the cairn of Hrafnkell Freysgoði. My research concentrated on the most probable finding-place of the sword. To this end 1 have interviewed men from Hrafnkelsdalur and its nearest surroundings as well as former inhabitants of Hrafnkelsdalur and their descendants. The information available about the finder and the time of the finding is reliable, but oral sources do not agree on the finding-place. Local observation of the ground with respect to the sword’s state of preservation, comparsion of individual evidences and especially the evidence of one trustworthy person, who can report remarks by the finder pertaining to the sword, indicate strongly that the most probable finding-place is Skaenudalur, a low valley in the hill between Jökuldalur and Hrafnkelsdalur (see fig. No. 2). The sword was given to the National Museum of Iceland in 1971.
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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