Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1993, Blaðsíða 42
Fálkarannsóknirnar voru styrktar af Na-
tional Geographic Society, The Peregrine
Fund Inc., Vísindasjóði, The Andrew
Mellon Foundation, The E. Alexander
Bergstrom Memorial Research Fund og
The Arctic Institute of North America.
Náttúruverndarráð veitti aðstöðu í Rann-
sóknastöð við Mývatn. Sverrir Thorsten-
sen Stórutjarnaskóla, Hólmgrímur Kjart-
ansson Hrauni, Árni Gíslason Laxárbakka
og Ásgrímur Þórhallsson Hafralæk veittu
upplýsingar um rjúpur. Arnþór Garðars-
son og Jóhann Oli Hilmarsson lásu rit-
gerðina yfir í handriti og færðu margt til
betri vegar. Öllum þessurn aðilum þakka
ég góða hjálp.
Arnþór Garðarsson 1971. Food ecology
and spacing behavior of Rock Ptarmigan
(Lagopus mutus) in Iceland. Pli.D.-rit-
gerð, University of California, Berkeley,
California. 380 bls.
Bente, P.J. 1981. Nesting behavior and
hunting activity of the Gyrfalcon, Falco
rusticolus in south central Alaska.
M.Sc.-ritgerð, University of Alaska,
Fairhanks, Alaska. 103 bls.
Finnur Guðmundsson 1960. Some reflec-
tions on Ptarmigan cycles in Iceland.
Proceedings of tlie Xllth International
Ornithological Congress. 259-265.
Jenkins, J.A. 1978. Gyrfalcon nesting be-
havior from hatching to fledgling. Auk
95. 122-127.
MacDonald, S.D. 1970. The breeding be-
havior of the Rock Ptarmigan. Living
Bird 9. 195-238.
Newton, I. 1979. Population ecology of
raptors. 7’ & AD Poyser, Berkhamsted.
399 bls.
Newton, 1. 1986. The Sparrowhawk. T &
AD Poyser, Berkhamsted. 396 bls.
Ólafur K. Nielsen 1986. Population ecol-
ogy of the Gyrfalcon in Iceland with
comparative notes on the Merlin and the
Raven. Ph.D.-ritgerð, Cornell Univer-
sity, Ithaca, New York. 215 bls.
Ólafur K. Nielsen, í undirbúningi. Rjúpna-
talningar á Norðausturlandi 1981-92.
Ólafur K. Nielsen & T.J. Cade 1990a.
Annual cycle of the Gyrfalcon in Ice-
land. National Geographic Research 6.
Ólafur K. Nielsen & T.J. Cade I990b. Sea-
sonal changes in food habits of Gyrfal-
cons in NE-Iceland. Ornis Scandinavica
21. 202-211.
Platt, J.B. 1977. The breeding behavior of
wild and captive Gyrfalcons in relation
to their environment and human distur-
bance. Ph.D.-ritgerð, Cornell Univer-
sity, New York. 164 bls.
Poole, K.G. 1987. Aspects of the ecology,
food habits and foraging characteristics
of Gyrfalcons in the central Canadian
arctic. M.Sc.-ritgerð, University of Al-
berta, Edmonton, Alberta. 120 bls.
Poole, K.G. & R.G. Bromley 1988. Natu-
ral history of the Gyrfalcon in the cen-
tral Canadian arctic. Arctic 41. 31-38.
Village, A. 1990. The Kestrel. T & AD
Poyser, Berkhamsted. 352 bls.
Watson, A. 1972. The behaviour of the
Ptarmigan. British Birds 65. 6-26, 93-
Initiation of territoriality among
Icelandic Rock Ptarmigan
in spring
Ólafur K. Nielsen
The Wildlife Management Institute
Hlemmur 3, P.O. Box 5032
The main breeding grounds of the Ice-
landic Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)
are the heathlands in NE-lceland. It has
been postulated that the arrival of the
Rock Ptarmigan on the heathlands in
spring marks the beginning of the
Gyrfalcon’s (Falco rusticolus) breedittg
season (Nielsen & Cade 1990a). The pur-
pose of this paper is to report the results
of ptarmigan observations made in winter
1983-1984 and 1984-1985 and spring
1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990 and 1991 in