Læknaneminn - 01.04.2008, Blaðsíða 105

Læknaneminn - 01.04.2008, Blaðsíða 105
marker). We measured expression of aforementioned markers in H9 cells (positive control), hepatocytes (positive control) and three different cultures of EBs (EB5, 6 and 7). Our results showed no expression of sox-17, strong expression of AFP, brachyury expression in the undifferentiated H9s, EB6 and EB7 and oct-4 expression in the undifferentiated H9, as well as EB5- 7. Establishment of ES cell lines expressing green fluorescence protein (GFP) under the control of albumin promoter (pAlb-GFP ES cell line) was verified by subsequent G418 selection and clonal expansion of stable transfectants. Nucleofection with linearized DNA proved stable, although not extremely efficient. Efficiency of generation of single cell clones of G418 resistant cells proved to be less than 1%. This is accordance with hESCs inherent affinity for colonal growth. Understanding of hESCs is still in the preliminary stages and ongoing research is key to gathering knowledge of factors controlling growth and differentiation of hESCs. Culturing methods, differentiation tracking and single cell cloning experimental methods are under constant development as the means to the end of fully harnessing the potential of hESCs. The Role of Smadl in Adult Murine Hematopoiesis Gudrun Eiriksdottir, Sofie Singbrant and Stefan Karlsson Department of Molecular Medicine and Gene Therapy, Lund Stem Cell Center, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden Objective: Hematopoiesis refers to the highly dynamic process of blood cell formation. All types of blood cells originate from a common hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), which by definition can both self- renew and thereby give rise to new stem cells, and also differentiate into mature cells of all blood lineages. The exact molecular mechanisms controlling the HSC fate decisions are, however, poorly understood. One important signaling pathway is mediated by the transforming growth factor-|3 (TGF-P) superfamily, where several members including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), are involved in the regulation of HSCs. Because of possible redundancy between the different signaling pathways, a more systematic analysis of the intracellular signal-mediating Smad proteins in the regulation of HSC fate in vivo is needed. Effects of BMP signaling, which is mediated by Smadl and 5, in the regulation of human HSCs have been reported. It is therefore of great interest to study the effect of their deficiency utilizing a murine knockout model. In contrast to the essential roles of Smadl and Smad5 during embryogenesis, recent findings suggest that Smad5 is dispensible for the adult mouse. This study is focused on the role of Smadl in adult murine hematopoiesis. Materials and Methods: To circumvent the embryonic lethal phenotype we used a Cre-mediated conditional knockout model. Mice with floxed Smadl alleles were mated with transgenic mice expressing the Cre-recombinase gene under control of the interferon inducible promoter Mxl, which results in efficient recombination of floxed genes in the hematopoietic system upon interferon induction. The impact of the genetic deficiency on the regeneration of the hematopoietic system, and the proliferation and differentiation capacity of the HSCs was investigated both in vivo and in vitro. After interferon-induced Cre- mediated recombination in Smadlfl/ fl mice which caused deletion of the Smadl-allele, bone marrow was collected and transplanted into lethally irradiated recipients. Results: Peripheral blood analysis 6 weeks after transplantation revealed that Smadl deficient HSCs show normal competitive repopulation ability and lineage distribution in vivo short- term after BM transplantation. Long- term effect of Smadl deletion is currently being evaluated. Conclusion: The question remains whether Smad 1 truly is dispensible in adult murine hematopoiesis, or successfully compensated for by Smad5. It is true that these proteins share great homology and probably cooperate in many ways, but whether they are capable of completely compensating the loss of each other will be addressed in a future experiment on Smadl/ Smad5 double-knockout mice.
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