Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1953, Side 90

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1953, Side 90
96 Rannsóknir um reyðblóðkroppanoringina In section I. a comparison is made between the production of erythrocytes in 100 %, 80 %, 50 %, 40 %, 30 10 %, 5 %, 2l/2 % oxygen and in ordinary atmospheric air (20, 95 % 02). The results of some of the experiments are seen in Fig. 2—7: (Fig. 2 Production of erythrocytes in vitro in air compared with nitrogen containing 2.5 % 02. — Fig. 3—7. Production of erythrocytes in vitro in air com- pared with nitrogen containing 5 % 02). The total results are shown in tables (Table 1—8), and the final results can easily be read off from Curves (Fig. 8—9) which indicate that the maximum production of erythrocytes was seen at 10—30 % of oxygen. The production was inhibited at 40 % and 5 % of oxygen and completely arrested at 50 % and 2/2 %• Thus the optimal production was observed at the physiological oxygen tension. In section II. the production of erythrocytes was similarly examined in 3 % and 6 % of carbon dioxide in relation to atmospheric air (Table 9—12). A special investigation was made to see what influence pH has on bone marrow cells in nitro. These results may be seen in Table 13 in addition all the results are seen in a co-ordinate system; this co-ordinate system is seen in Figure 10 from which it is evident that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide inhibit the formation of red blood cells from bone marrow in vitro. An inhibition of the same magnitude is seen when the pH in the solution is altered to values corresponding to those found in the samples with increased carbon dioxide. It may be concluded thal carbon dioxide has now effect on its own, but that the effect observed is due to the resultant increased hydrogen ion con- centration in the medium. It must, however, be emphasized that these results from experiments in vitro do not exclude the possibility of de- creased oxygen tension or increased carbon dioxide tension playing a part in the formation of red blood cells in vivo.
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