Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1969, Blaðsíða 75

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1969, Blaðsíða 75
SKILDAHÚFA 79 S U M M A R Y In the National Museum, Reykjavík, there is a woman’s cap, a so-called skilda- húfa, of red woollen plush, decorated with eight disks (skildahúfa: „cap with disks") of gilt silver filigree work (Inv. No. 10934; Figs. 1-3). Another Icelandic skildahúfa is to be found in the National Museum, Copenhagen (Inv. No. 12013/1964). It is not preserved in its original form, however; the original black velvet cap, turned upside down, forms the flat crown (Figs. 5 and 6), a band of black and green silk fabric had been added at some time before the cap reached the museum, to form a differently shaped, wider lower part or rim (Fig. 7), while the disks were removed at some time after the museum received the cap, and displayed separately for several decades. These are the only two caps of this type known to exist today, but a detailed written description from the year 1791 of a black velvet skildahúfa (cf. note 5) proves a valuable addition to the knowledge of the appearance of these caps. The source also describes the manner in which the skildahúfa was worn, as is done to some extent as well in an Icelandic manuscript dictionary from about 1830—1840 (cf. note 26). The skildahúfa, stiffened with an interlining of cardboard or felt, and the inside of the crown apparently stuffed with paper, was worn on top of the cylindrical or conical, wound head- dress called vaf or later(?) faldur (notes 5 and 26). A skildahúfa worn in this manner may be seen in an illumination in an Icelandic manuscript from the close of the sixteenth century (Fig. 10.). Besides the above mentioned source material, a very few references from the seventeenth century have been found about skildahúfa and, from the end of the sixteenth century, about húfuskildir, i. e. disks to be placed on caps; these references are for instance testaments and settlements of inheritance (notes 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, and 29). From the available data it seems that the skildahúfa was worn only by wealthy women, most likely exclusively by brides, during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and perhaps the early eighteenth centuries. It had a flat, circular crown with some- times a flat lower part, cf. the cap preserved in Copenhagen (Figs. 2 and 9) and the one described 1791 (note 5), sometimes a slanting lower part, cf. the cap in Reykjavík (Fig. 1). It would seem that it was generally decorated with eight ornamental disks of gilt silver, frequently with filigree work, one disk being placed on the centre of the crown, the other seven arranged, evenly spaced, on the lower part of the cap. The disk on the crown and the one facing directly front were apparently larger than the other six, all of which were likely of equal size. Pointing to a certain uniformity in the size of the skildahúfa and its ornaments are the measurements available from the three above mentioned caps. They disclose minor variations only: from 22—25.4 cm in the diameter of the crown, 9.8—11.5 cm in the diameter of the opening for the vaf, and from 6—8 cm in the width of the rim or lower part of the cap, while the disks placed at centre front vary from 10.7—11.4 cm in diameter, the sets of smaller disks from 6.6—7.3 cm and the disks on the crown are 10 and 12.7 cm in diameter. There seems little doubt that the Icelandic skildahúfa was derived from the berets fashionable in Europe at the end of the fiftecnth and especially during the sixteenth century. Caps very similar in appearance but worn directly on the head may for instance be seen on a North-German altarpiece executed by Ilinrik Funhof about 1483 (note 41).
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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