Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1977, Síða 127
fjórar myndir af íslenska vefstaðnum
vegar óáritaðar; svo er einnig um myndir i dagbókinni frá 1777, Þjskjs. Rtk.
492, og virðist eðlilegast að ætla að óárituðu myndirnar séu eftir höfundinn
sjálfan, Olavius, en að þær sem Sæmundur gerði séu merktar honum.
14 Sbr. Kálund, op. cit., bls. 108. Þar eru tilfærðar þrjár ferðadagbækur Olavius-
ar, Nks. 1090 fol., 1091 fol. og 1092 fol. (nr. 242—244 í skránni), og svara
þær samkvæmt titli hver um sig til Þjskjs. Rtk. 490, 491 og 492. Skv. upp-
lýsingum í bréfi til höfundar dags. 4.10. 1977 frá Tue Gad bókaverði hafa
þessi þrjú handrit komið í konungsbókhlöðu milli 1786 og 1830, en ekki er
vitað hvaðan. -— 1 Nks. 1091 fol. og 1092 fol. er að finna teikningar tilsvar-
andi þeim í Þjskjs. Rtk. 491 og 492; einungis ein þeirra, 4. mynd í Nks. 1091
fol., af Þrándarjökli, er með áritun: „S. Magni Holm 1777,“ sbr. 13. tilvitnun
hér að framan.
15 Skv. ljósrituðu sýnishorni með fyrrnefndu bréfi Tue Gad 4.10. 1977 er rithönd-
in á því sú sama og á Þjskjs. Rtk. 492, sbr. 11. tilvitnun hér að framan.
10 Sbr. Olaus Olavius, op. cit., bls. CCXVI (eða Ólafur Olavius, op. cit., I, bls.
Four Pictures of the Icelandic Warp-Weighted Loorn
(The author wishes especially to thank Tue Gad, librarian at the Royal Library
m Copenhagen, and Aðalgeir Kristjánsson, archivist at the National Archives
°f Iceland, for their help while preparing this paper.)
In 1780 a picture showing the Icelandic warp-weighted loom was printed in
the travelogue from Iceland by Olavius.1 This picture, often referred to since in
Vriting, is an engraving by Haas from a drawing by S. M Holm, as may be
seen on the picture itself (Figure 4). S. M. Holm was Sæmundur Magnússon
Hólm, an Icelander who at that time was studying at the University and the
Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, becoming later minister to Helgafell parish
111 Iceland.2 Olavius, an Icelander as well, his name actually being Ólafur Ólafs-
son, also studied at the University of Copenhagen, besides occupying himself
vuth informative writing on various subjects. In the summer of 1775, 1776 and
1777 he travelled in Iceland on behalf of the government writing extensive dia-
ries, and finished the manuscript for his travelogue based an these during the
Winter of 1778—1779.3.4
In Árbólc liins íslenzka fornleifafélags 1914, in an article on the Icelandic
Warp-weiglited loom by Matthías Þórðarson, then director of the National Mu-
seum of Iceland, another picture of the loom by Sæmundur Hólm was published,
a Picture which in several ways differs from the engraving.4a The picture is a
drawing in a manuscript in the Royal Library in Copenhagen (Figure 3), Ny
kgl. Saml. (Nks.) 1093 fol., a collection of drawings with explanations signed
by Sæmundur, ”S. M. S. Holm,” 1778. In the explanations Sæmundur relates the
sources from which he drew the pictures; a number of models he obtained from
Olavius, among them the loom.0'6
Although the drawing of the loom in Nks. 1093 fol. was published as early as