Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1967, Side 91
logy. [Fjölr. London 1966]. (1), 8 bls., 9
uppdr. 4to.
BECK, RICHARD. A sheaf of verses. New and
enlarged edition. Wpg. 1966. 51 bls. 8vo.
— Doktor Valtýr segir frá. Finnur Sigmundsson
bjó til prentunar. [Ritd.3 Reprinted from
Scandinavian Studies. Vol. 38, no. 1, 1966.
Bls. 74-75. 8vo.
— Review: Viktors saga ok Blávus. (J. Kristjáns-
son, ed.) An offprint from Speculum. Vol.
XLI. No. 1. Cambridge, Mass. 1966. (1),
149.—150. bls. 8vo.
— Skáldið frá Fagraskógi; Endurminningar
samferðamanna um Davíð Stefánsson. [Ritd.J
Reprinted from Scandinavian Studies. Vol.
38, no. 4, 1966. Bls. 359-361. 8vo.
— Some notable scholars in the Icelandic field.
Reprinted from Annual Literary Supplement
of Lögberg-Heimskringla, 1966. 8 bls. 8vo.
— The Laxdoela Saga. Translated from the Old
Icelandic with introduction and notes by A.
Margaret Arent. [Ritd.l Reprinted from The
Germanic Review, 1966. (1), 136.—138. bls.
— The Norsemen. By Eric Oxenstierna. - West-
viking. The Ancient Norse in Greenland and
North America. By Farley Mowart. [Ritd.]
Reprinted from the Swedish Pioneer Histori-
cal Quarterly. Vol. XVII, no. 1, 1966. Bls.
46—49. 8vo.
BENEDIKTSSON, HREINN. Linguistics in Ice-
land. Communications et rapports du Premier
Congrés Intemational de Dialectologie génér-
ale. Quatriéme partie. [Sérpr.] Louvain 1965.
(2), 30.-39. bls. 8vo.
— Old Norse short e: One phoneme or two?
Sártryck ur Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 79:
1-4. [Lund 1964]. (1), 63.-104. bls. 8vo.
BENTZEN, OLE. Bindevæv konstitutionens
symptomatologi. Særtryk af Læknablaðið, 1.
1965. Rvík 1965. (1), 36.^15. bls. 8vo.
und der Norden. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschritt
der Humboldt-Universitát zu Berlin, Gesell-
schafts- und Sprachwissenschaftliche Reihe -
Jg. XIV (1965). [Sérpr.] Bls. 515-516. 4to.
— Early Icelandic Manuscripts in Facsimile.
[Ritd.J Sonderdruck aus Deutsche Literatur-
zeitung fur Kritik der internationalen Wissen-
schaft. Jahrgang 86, Ileft 2. Berlin 1965. (1),
115.-117. d. 4to.
— Islanske hándskrifter og dansk kultur. [Ritd.]
Sonderdruck aus Deutsche Literaturzeitung
fiir Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft.
Jahrgang 7, Heft 1. Berlin 1966. (1), 35.-38. d.
— Prinzipielles zur Lautklassenlehre. Sonder-
druck aus Zeitschrift fiir Phonetik, Sprach-
wissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung.
Band 18, Heft 4—5. Berlin 1965. (1), 381.—395.
bls. 8vo.
BERRY, FRANCIS. Ghosts of Greenland. Poems.
London 1966. IX, 84 bls. 8vo.
Wohin. (Pferde und Menschen). Köln 1966.
(15) bls., 38 mbl. 4to.
NACH FUNDORTEN. Erster Teil. Die Run-
eninschriften der Britischen Inseln. Von Her-
tha Marquardt. Abhandlungen der Akademi
der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philologisch
- historische Klasse. Dritte Folge, Nr. 48.
Göttingen 1961. 168 bls. 8vo.
DIC STUDIES 1965. [3]. Edited by Hans
Bekker-Nielsen and Thorkil Damsgaard Olsen.
Associate editors: Halldór Halldórsson. Lud-
vig Holm-Olsen. Dag Strömbáck. Palle Birke-
lund. Mogens Haugsted. Torben Nielsen. Chr.
Westergárd-Nielsen. Ole Widding. Kbh. 1966.
78, (1) bls. 8vo.
XXVII. Inger M. Boberg: Motif-index of early
Icelandic literature. Kbh. 1966. 267, (1) bls.,
1 mbl. 4to.
BINNS, A. L. East Yorkshire in the sagas. (E. Y.
Local History Series: No. 22). Purey Cust
Chambers, York 1966. 40 bls. 8vo.
BJARNASON, MARKUS. Danmark under Be-
sættelsen 1940-45. Bogens tegninger er ud-
fprt af Alex Secher. 2. udgave. Kbh. 1966.
274 bls. 8vo.
BOUCHER, ALAN. The Hornstranders. A story
of modern Iceland. Illustrated by Carol Jones.
London 1966. 144 bls. 8vo.
BOUHON, JULIEN. L’Islande. Rotary Intcma-