

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1993, Side 113

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1993, Side 113
Hanzak, J. 1971. Fuglabók. Fjölvi, Reykja- vík. 584 bls. Þýðing Friðriks Sigurbjörns- sonar. Howard, R. & A. Moore 1991. A Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. 2. útg. Academic Press. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, London o.fl. 622 bls. Lewington, I., P. Alström & P. Colston. A Field Guide to the Rare Birds of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins Publishers. 448 bls. Magnús Björnsson 1937. Úr árbókum fuglanna. Náttúrufrœðingurinn 7. 90-92. Óskar Ingimarsson 1989. Dýra- og plöntu- orðabók. Örn og Örlygur hf, Reykjavík. 448 bls. Óskar Ingimarsson & Þorsteinn Thorarensen 1992. Fuglar (þriðji hluti). Undraveröld dýranna 11. Fjölvaútgáfan, Reykjavík. 180 bls. Pedersen, B.B. 1982. Rapport fra Sjælden- hedsudvalget for 1979 og 1980. Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskr. 76. 111-122. Peterson, R.T. 1947. A Field Guide to the Birds. 2. útgáfa, endurskoðuð og aukin. Tlie Riverside Press, Cambridge. 290 bls. Peterson, R.T. 1961. A Field Guide to West- ern Birds. 2. útgáfa. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. 366 bls. Peterson R.T.. G. Mountfort & P.A.D. Hollom 1962. Fuglar íslands og Evrópu. 1. útg. Almenna Bókafélagið, Reykjavík. 384 bls. Þýðing Finns Guðmundssonar. Robbins, C.S. 1980. Prcdictions of future Nearctic landbird vagrants to Europe. Brit. Birds 73. 448-457. Rogers, M.J. and the Rarities Committee 1990. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1989. Brit. Birds 83. 439-496. Rogers, M.J. and the Rarities Committee 1991. Reporton rare birds in Great Britain in 1990. Brit. Birds 84. 449-505. Rogers, M.J. and the Rarities Committee 1992. Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1991. Brit. Birds 85. 507-554. Salomonsen, F. 1967. Fuglene pá Grpnland. Rliodos, Kpbenhavn. 340 bls. Schmidt, F.-U. 1990. Island. Verlag Natur- Studienreisen. 444 bls. Sharrock, J.T.R. 1981. Changes to the Brit- ish and Irish list. Brit. Birds 74. 345-347. Sibley, C.G. & B.L. Monroe, Jr. 1990. Dis- tribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Yale University Press, New Haven & London. 1111 bls. Sprensen, S. & D. Bloch 1990. Fugle i Nord- atlanten. G.E.C. Gads Forlag, Kpben- Itavn, og Fproya Skúlabókagrunnur, Thorshavn. 276 bís. Sprensen, S. & J.-K. Jensen 1991. Sjældne fugle pá Færperne i 1988 og 1989. Dansk Orn. Foren. Tidsskr. 85. 35-40. Timmermann, G. 1949. Die Vögel Islands. Erster Teil, 2. Háll'te & zweiter Teil: 241- 524. Vísindafélag Islendinga, Reykjavík. van den Berg, A.B., R.A. de By & CDNA 1991. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1989. Dutch Birding 13. 41-57. van den Berg, A.B., R.A. de By & CDNA 1992. Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1989. Dutch Birding 14. 73-90. Voous, K.H. 1960. Atlas of European Birds. Thomas Neison and Sons Lld. 284 bls. Zink, G. 1985. Der Zug europaischer Sing- vögel. Ein Altas der Wiederfunde be- ringter Vögel. 4. Lieferung. Max-Planck- Institut fiir Verhaltensphysiologie, Vogelzug-Verlag Möggingen. Ævar Petersen 1985. Nýjungar um flækings- fugla á íslandi. Bliki 4. 57-67. SUMMARY Rare and vagrant birds inlceland: Buntings, Vireos and Icterids * by Erling Ólafsson Icelandic Museum ofNatural History P.O. Box5320, IS-125 REKJAVÍK lceland In this paper on vagrant birds in Iceland 18 passerine species belonging to the fami- lies Emberizidae, Vireonidae and Icteridae are dealt with. Nine species are of Nearctic origin.the other 9 are Eurasian species. Two * Rare and vagrant birds in Iceland. Report 10: Icelandic Museum of Natural History. 107
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