

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Blaðsíða 23

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Blaðsíða 23
LÆICNABLAÐIÐ 129 Summary. The author gives an account of all tuberculous patients notified in the rural district of Dalasýsla during the years 1890—1922. He has been medical officer for that district f'or the last nine years, but otherwise his investigations rest upon the reports of his predecessor and 011 the in- formation gathered among the population of the district. The total number of patients is 102, and there is a specific account of the patients of ea.ch parish. His report shows that the disease is continually increasing; the number of patients is greater the years when whooping cough, influenza, or measles are prevalent. Of the patients 68 per cent. had pulmonary tuber- culosis. Approximated one-fourth of t'ne patients had tuberculous parents and the maiority of them had tuberculous brothers or sisters. One-half of the married tul)erculous patíents had children suffering from the same disease. The author reports that among 30 married patients, there was only one case where both husband and wife were infected. In every third household in the district the disease has cropped up, but veritable „tuberculous nests“ are few, and the author has not noticed that the disease has been particularly malignant where housing was bad, but he mentions nevertheless that he has not been able to make very exact observations on this point. The author estimates that 63 per cent. of the patients have contracted the disease before the age of 9, but 14 per cent. after 20, and by far the larger part of them in their own homes. In 1.922 the author made a Pirquet tuberculin test on 284 children in his district, aged 3/12—14 years, with the result that 13 per cent. showed postitive reaction. The majority of the children showing positive reaction were frorn tuberculous homes. In the parish (S a u r b æ r) where the number óf patients is greatest 2^,4 per cent. of the children showed posi- tive Pirquet, most of them being younger than 4 years. All such children are now under observation. At the author’s instigation a veterinary surgeon recently tested for tuberculin reaction on all cattle (80—90) in the parish (Saurbær) where the prevalence of the.disease is greatest. The result was a negative one in every case. Consecjuently, infection from cattle is considered as precluded. Finally the progress of the disease is indicated, and it is suggested that mfection of people does not generally occur in the same way in the villages as in the rural districts. Hæð íslending-a. Eftir Guðm. Hannesson, proí. anatomiæ, Reykjavík. E x o r d i u m : Kveð þú gyðja um hinar fársfullu mannamælingar, þær sem ollu Hannessyni óteljandi skaprauna og sendu hann í tvö ár á mannaveiðar út um götur og stræti Reykjavikur. Hver var það svo sem hleypti Hannessyni af stað út í ófæruna? Það
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