

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Blaðsíða 127

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Blaðsíða 127
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 225 NiSurstaSan a f þ e s s u m a t h u g u n u m : 1. 1 koki myndast ekki sjaldan diafragma í áttina frá vel. palatin. og arc. posteriores niöur og aftur í aftari pharynx-vegg, sem á sinn þátt í aS himnan myndast. 2. Hún skiftir pharynx í tvo parta, efri og aftari (naso-pharynx) og hins vegar neSri og fremri (meso-hypopharynx). 3. Op er á himnunni. Takmörkin: velumkanturinn, kanturinn á bog- unum aftari og slímhimnu, duplikatur frá afturvegg pharynx. Er þar bak viS membrankantinn dálítil poche. 4. StærS og ásigkomulag diafragma og opsins er mjög breytingum undir- orpiS. StærS þess hefir stundum eigi veriS meira en t cm. i diameter. 5. Diafragma myndast einkutn þegar arc. posteriores og palatum er mikiS infiltreruÖ, einkum ef mikil sár eru i palatum. og kemur væntan- lega fram viö retraction slímhimnanna. — 6. Diafragma getur aukiö andþrengsli og gert sjúkl. erfitt aS matast. 7. Uvula dregst oft fram á velum aS neöan, og liggur þar sem klump- ur, limdur viS þaö, en getur svo alveg horfiö, resorlærast. 8. Aldrei (140 sjúkl. meö lepra tub.) hefir sést perforatio palati. en perfor. septi nasi afaralmenn. Summary. 1. It is not uncommon that a diaphragm is formed in the throat of leprous patients in the direction from the vel. palatin. and arc. posteri- ores downwards and backwards into the posterior pharynx-wall, which has its share in the formation of the membrane. 2. This divides the pharynx into two sections — the upper and posterior (naso-phar)mx). and the lower and anterior (meso-hypopharynx). 3. There is an opening in the membrane. The confines are the edge of the velum, the edges of the posterior arcs and a duplication of the rnucous meml)rane from the posterior wall of the pharynx. Behind the edge of the membrane is a small poche. 4. The size and the state of the diaphragm and the opening are ex- ceedingly variable. Its size has sometimes not exceeded ] cm. in diameter. 5. The diaphragm is formed especially when the arc. posteriores and the palate are much infiitrated, particularly when there are great ulcerations on the palate, and is probably caused by retraction of the mucous membranes. 6. The diaphragm may cause difficulty of breathing, and also make it difficult for the patient to swallow. “. The uvula frequently slips forward on to the velum at the bottom. lying there like a lump sticking to it; but then it may entirely dis- appear, being resorbed. 8. Perforatio palati has never (on 140 patients affected by lepra tub.) been observed, whereas perforatio septi nasi is exceedingly common.
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