

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Blaðsíða 36

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1923, Blaðsíða 36
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ cftír fæöingu barnsins, cn ekki verSur af þvi ráSiö, hvort fylgjan liafi veriö gróin vi'S legiö eSa ekki. Blóörás eftir fæöingu kom að eins 2 sinnum fyrir, og stöövaöist viö secale og pituitrin, og liafa læknarnir því sloppiö vel viö atonia uteri. sem menn hræðast svo mjög eftir pl. pr., og eins viö collum rifurnar, þrátt fyrir þaö, þótt framdráttur hafi veriö geröur tiltölulega mjög of:. Summarý, The reports of District Medical Officiers in Iceland, outside of Reykja- vik, mention sixty-six cases of placenta prævia during the years tqo' —1920. A11 the births took place at home. In twelve cases.birtlv was spontaneous, and of these patients one died. Tn six cases the memlrranes wcre perforated; on one occasion Chámpeticr de Ribes bag was used. and eight times a version a. m. Braxton Hicks, all the þáticnts surviving. Vaginal tampon alone was used severi times, but six times prepar.tory to other treatment. Version was made twenty-six times and was fourteen times followed liy extraction of the fætus; six of the patients dieci. For- ceps were used in five cases, two of tlie patients dying. In one case ex- visceration was carried out. Altogether nine patients died The causes of death were as follows: two patients.were moribund from hæmorrhage when the doctor arrived; four diecl of embolus (two of them after 4 anu 8 davs respectively) ; two died of anæmia arid infection, and one died of eclampsia. The death-rate is thus 13.6%, and 12.1% if the eclampsia case is not counted. At these sixty-six confinements sixty-eight children were born, and of them thirty-seven were either still-born or díed on the first day, whilc one lived a few days, and one a fortnight. The infant death-rate is thus 57.4%. every child being included, also those who were prematurely Ijorn. Infection is mentioned twice, besic'es the two fatal cases. In five cases the placenta was adherent and was once removed by Cre- dé’s expression, but four times manually. Post-partum hæmorrhage occured only twice and was stopped by *he use of secale and pituitrin ; rupture of the collum does not appear to havc- occured in spite of the fætus being 'so frequently extracted. Röntgenskoðun á sullaveiki. Fyrirlestur lialdinn í Læknafél. Rvíkur ]). 12.—3.—'23, og — me'ö nokkrum breyt- ingum — í Nord. fören. f. tnedic. radiologi, Stockbolm 18.—6.—'23. Eftir Gunnlaug Claessen. Til þess að gera sér ljóst, aö hve miklu leyti sé unt aö sýna sulli á röntgenmyndum, verður að athuga, hver physisk skilyrði eru fyrir hendi i líkamanum til þess aö röntgengeislarnir geti framleitt mynd af sullun-
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