Tímarit Máls og menningar - 01.09.2000, Blaðsíða 104
heiminum í dag þekkir enginn nema Joanne Rowling, sem heldur stöðugt
áftam að bæta nýjum og spennandi efnum ofan í seiðpottinn sinn.
Helstu heimildir
Bernstein, Richard. „Old Theory Could Explain Love of Harry Potter“ (úr New York Times, 2.
des. 1999), http://www.seattlep-i.com/books/harr02.shtml
Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales.
[Fyrsta útg. 1975] New York: Vintage Books, 1977,
Carvajal, Doreen. „Children’s Book Casts a Spell Over Adults." http://www.nytimes.com/
Gray, Paul. „Books: Wild About Harry." Time 20. september 1999.
„Michigan School District Puts Harry Potter Books Off Limits to Most Kids.“ Associated
Press, 10. desember 1999 (úr Boston Herald) http://www.bostonherald.com/bostonher-
ald/nat/mich 12101999.htm
Ray, Sheila. „School Stories." 1 The International Companion Encyclopaedia of Cliildren’s
Literature, ritstj. Peter Hunt og Sheila Ray, bls. 348-359. London: Routledge, 1996.
Rudd, David. „Here Be Dragons! Muggles Beware!: Examining the Phenomenal Popularity of
Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ Series.” The Five Owls, nóvember 1999.
Schoefer, Christine. „Harry Potter’s Girl Trouble.“ http://www.salon.com/books/feat-
ure/2000/01 /13/potter/index.html?CP=SAL&DN=650
Viðtal við J. K. Rowling: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ts/feature/6230/
Islensk vefsíða um Harry Potter:
TMM 2000:3