Ritið : tímarit Hugvísindastofnunar - 01.10.2014, Qupperneq 43
spilunarsinna er ljóst að hún er ekki
jafn miðlæg og hún var áður fyrr. Í
samanburði við fyrsta heftið af Game
Studies, þar sem allar greinarnar
fjölluðu um ágreininginn, einkenn-
ast fræðilegar nálganir nú til dags af
mun fjölbreyttari efnistökum. Þar
er til dæmis fjallað um menningar-
legt og efnahagslegt samhengi tölvu-
leikja,71 stafræn samfélög í netleikjum
á mannfræðilegum forsendum72 og
ýmsa möguleika í tengslum við tölvu-
leiki og menntun.73 Af þessu sést að
ólíkar nálganir og fræðilegar áherslur
þrífast prýðilega innan leikjafræðinn-
ar samhliða því sem greininni sjálfri
71 Bryant. J. Alison, „Diminutive Subjects, Design Strategy, and Driving Sales:
Preschoolers and the Nintendo DS“, Game Studies: The International Journal of
Computer Game Research, 1/2010; Castronova. Edward, „on Virtual Economies,“
Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research, 2/2003; Chi-
Ying Chen, „Is the Video Game a Cultural Vehicle?“ Games and Culture: A journal
of Interactive Media, 6/2013, bls. 408–427; Holin Lin og Chuen-Tsai Sun, „Cash
Trade in Free-to-Play online Games“, Games and Culture: A journal of Interactive
Media, 3/2011, bls 270–287.
72 Tom Boellstorff, „A Ludicrous Discipline? Ethnography and Game Studies“,
Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media, 1/2006, bls. 29–35; Jonathan
Corliss, „Introduction: The Social Science Study of Video Games“, Games and
Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media, 1/2011. bls. 3–16; Andrew Ee og Hichang
Cho, „What Makes an MMoRPG Leader? A Social Cognitive Theory-Based
Approach to Understanding the Formation of Leadership Capabilities in Massively
Multiplayer online Role-Playing Games“, Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game
Culture, 1/2012, bls. 25–37; Lina Eklund og Magnus Johansson, „Played and
Designed Sociality in a Massive Multiplayer online Game“, Eludamos: Journal
for Computer Game Culture, 1/2013, bls. 35–54; Deborah A. Fields og Yasmin B.
Kafai, „Knowing and Throwing Mudballs, Hearts, Pies, and Flowers: A Connective
Ethnography of Gaming Practices“, Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive
Media, 1/2010, bls. 88–115; Miller Kiri, „The Accidental Carjack: Ethnography,
Gameworld Tourism, and Grand Theft Auto“, The International Journal of Computer
Game Research, 1/2008.
73 Per Backlund, „Games for Traffic Education: An Experimental Study of a Game-
based Driving Simulator“, Simulation & Gaming, 2/2010, bls. 145–169; Pierre
Corbeil, „Learning From the Children: Practical and Theoretical Reflections on
Playing and Learning“, Simulation & Gaming, 2/1999, bls. 163–180.
Mynd 14: Zork. orðaleikir eins og Zork
eru dæmi um leiki sem fyrst og fremst eru
knúnir áfram af frásögninni.