Orð og tunga - 01.06.2017, Síða 181
Jóhannes B. Sigtryggsson: Samræmdur úrvalsritháttur fornbóka 171
Rask, Rasmus Kr. 1830. Lestrarkver handa heldri manna börnum með stuttum
skíringargreinum um stafrofið og annað þartilheyrandi. Kaupmannahöfn: Hið
íslenzka bókmentafélag.
Rutkowska, Hanna og Paul Rössler. 2012. Orthographic Variables. Í: Her-
nández-Campoy, Juan Manuel og Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre (ritstj.).
The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics, bls. 213–236. Malden, MA: John
Skautrup, Peter. 1953. Det danske sprogs historie. Tredie bind. Fra Holbergs ko-
medier til H. C. Andersens eventyr. København: Gyldendalske boghandel /
Nordisk forlag.
Stafsetningar-reglur Blaðamannafélagsins. 1898. Nýja öldin 1.54:213–214.
Stefán Karlsson. 1989. Tungan. Í: Frosti F. Jóhannsson (ritstj.). Íslensk þjóð-
menning 6. Munnmenntir og bókmenning, bls. 1–54. Reykjavík: Bóka-
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[Styrbjörn á Nesi.] 1877. Um dönskuslettur og fornyrði. Ísafold 4.17:65.
stafsetning, 19. aldar íslenska, málstöðlun, tilbrigði
orthography, 19th century Icelandic, standardization, variation
Icelandic orthography was in fl ux at the beginning of the 19th century but scholars
like Rasmus Kr. Rask and later Konráð Gíslason and Halldór Kr. Friðriksson put
forth orthographical rules, either based on etymological principles or on the modern
pronunciation of Icelandic. Aft er fi erce debates the former school won in the second
part of the 19th century.
This article describes the orthography of a 19th-century Icelandic scholar, Jón
Þorkelsson (1822–1904). He was the rector of the only college in Iceland, Lærði skólinn
(Reykjavik Grammar School) and a respected Nordic scholar and lexicologist. In this
paper I investigate Jón Þorkelsson’s spelling in his various writings in the later part of
the 19th century, esp. æ/œ, -r/-ur and the simplifi cation in spelling of long consonants
before other consonants, and make a case that his spelling was neither based on ety-
mological nor pronunciation principles, but rather on the spelling of the best Old
Icelandic manuscripts. This shows how important Icelandic medieval manuscripts
were in the standardization of Modern Icelandic spelling in the 19th century.
Jóhannes B. Sigtryggsson
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum
Laugavegi 13
101 Reykjavík
tunga_19.indb 171 5.6.2017 20:28:02