
Jökull - 01.01.2014, Blaðsíða 16

Jökull - 01.01.2014, Blaðsíða 16
W. Menke and H. Menke application of computers to seismology allowed au- tomated picking, but while this facility sped up the location process, enabling near real-time monitoring, it did little to improve the accuracy of locations. The accuracy of a pick, whether determined by a human being or a machine algorithm, is limited by the ability of either to pick the onset of a seismic wave on a noisy record. Instead, it was the ability to compute differen- tial arrival times (the time difference between two ar- rivals) using cross-correlation that provided the leap in data quality that underpinned the improvement in accuracy. Cross-correlations could routinely be com- puted from digital data, something that was not pos- sible with the older analogue recordings. Early suc- cesses with the new approach (Rögnvaldsson, 1994; Got et al., 1994; Slunga et al., 1995; Rögnvaldsson et al., 1998; Rubin et al., 1999; Waldhauser et al., 1999) revealed a richness in the pattern of seismicity that hitherto fore had been missed. It drove further im- provements in the method (e.g. the Double Difference Method of Waldhauser (2001)) and its extension to re- lated problems (e.g. the joint location – tomographic imaging method of Zhang and Thurber (2003)). The cross-correlation process exploits the whole waveform, not just its onset, and so achieves an ac- curacy in aligning two time series that far exceeds what can be achieved by differencing two picks (al- beit without determining the absolute timing of ei- ther), at least when the two waveforms have very sim- ilar shapes. Furthermore, the error decreases indefi- nitely with the length of the waveform and (somewhat surprisingly) can be smaller than the digital sampling interval of the time series (Cespedes et al., 1995). Although the high accuracy of the double difference method arises from several sources, the most impor- tant is the precision of the data (Menke and Schaff, 2004). Simply put, differential travel times deter- mined through cross-correlation have at least an or- der of magnitude smaller error than traditional arrival times determined through onset picking. The lower noise differential times enable more accurate locations. In this paper, we explore the statistics of differential travel time measurements and demonstrate that a factor of about two to four addi- tional error reduction in timing can be achieved when the relative timing of a large group of time series (as contrasted to a single pair of time series) is determined simultaneously. OUT-MEMBER AVERAGING TO REDUCE THE VARIANCE OF DIFFERENTIAL DELAY TIMES We consider the commonly-encountered signal corre- lation problem of aligning time series that differ only by a delay plus additive noise. The N time series u(i) are all of length M and sampling interval ∆t and consist of a deterministic part u(i)0 and additive noise δu(i): u(i) = u (i) 0 + δu (i) (1) All the deterministic parts have the same shape u0, up to a time shift ti. The signal to noise ratio (s.n.r.) r is given by r−2 = (δuT δu)/(uTu). The noise δu(i) in one time series is assumed to be uncorrelated with the noise δu(j) in another, though both may have non- trivial autocorrelation functions. The objective is to determine the differential time delay τij = ti − tj be- tween all pairs of time series. We start with the rule that a good estimate of τij is the one that maximizes the cross-correlation cij : and cestij = maxtu (i) ? u(j) and τestij = argmaxtu (i) ? u(j) (2) Here ? signifies cross-correlation. As is customary, we normalize each u(i) by the square root of its en- ergy, so that |cestij | ≤ 1. Since it depends upon noisy time series, the estimated delay τestij differs from the true delay, τestij = τ true ij + δτij by an error δτij with variance σ2. Two delays, τestik and τ est kj that share one (and only one) index k are correlated, with co- variance, say, ασ2 (with 0≤ α ≤ 1) since they both depend upon the time series u(k). Two delays that do not share a common index are uncorrelated. As we will discuss below, the quantities σ2 and α depend upon u0 and the statistics of δu. We now consider whether we can improve upon the estimate τestij . We have available a total of N − 2 16 JÖKULL No. 64, 2014
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