
Jökull - 01.01.2014, Blaðsíða 42

Jökull - 01.01.2014, Blaðsíða 42
J. Helgason and R. Duncan ies from different sites in Iceland have shown the first glaciations of the present ice age to extend back at least to 3–4 million years (Eiríksson and Geirsdóttir, 1996; Helgason and Duncan, 2001; Eiríksson, 2008; Geirsdóttir et al., 2007). Refined correlation of these glacial events across the country awaits detailed work on high-resolution glacio-volcanic sequences such as those preserved in the Öræfi district due to deep ero- sion and volcanic accumulation in a rift flank zone. RESEARCH AREA The Hafrafell volcanic massif lies within the Öræfa- jökull Volcanic Zone (ÖVZ) that is located southeast of the accreting neovolcanic rift zone in NE Iceland (Figure 1). Crustal accretion in this area is mini- mal at present. Erosion, however, has exposed vast intrusions, both sheet swarms and major intrusive bodies (e.g. Walker, 1975). Hafrafell is located some 6 km west of the Öræfajökull stratovolcano and is enveloped between two southward-flowing glaciers, Skaftafellsjökull to the west and Svínafellsjökull to the east. Immediately north of Hafrafell, are the Hrút- fjallstindar volcanic massif with a highest peak of about 1875 m. Hrútfjallstindar volcanics partly super- impose on the Hafrafell north end. The bulk of Hrút- fjallstindar are stratigraphically younger than Hafra- fell and formed during the Brunhes magnetic chron (< 0.781 Ma). Previous work Based on reconnaissance field work Prestvik (1979) suggested a broad division of Hafrafell into 6 units, the lowest being "basaltic lava flows with fine grained layers of sediments in-between. This unit, where alteration is most conspicuous, is frequently cut by basaltic dikes". Stratigraphically above, he defined two tillite beds and three units of "hyaloclastites and basaltic lava flows" with the top-most unit separated by an unconformity from "hyaloclastites and basaltic lava flows" below. Prestvik regarded the strata gener- ally as basaltic but mentions a "silicic massif" higher up at Efri-Menn. Part of Prestvik’s geochemical work included analyses of 5 dikes and lavas that he iden- tified as tholeiite or dacite (Prestvik, 1985). On a geological map of SE Iceland, scale 1:250.000, Torfason (1985) presented a broad geological divi- sion of the Öræfi district in which he regarded all of Hafrafell’s lower strata to be older than 3.1 Ma. For SE Iceland, Torfason’s map shows widespread hyaloclastite formations of Quarternary age. Hel- gason and Duncan (2001) divided the stratigraphy of the Skaftafell area into glacial-interglacial stages (0–5 Ma) on basis of paleomagnetic work and K- Ar age dating. Helgason (2007) published a geo- logical bedrock map of the Skaftafell area with de- tailed division of strata into rock formations, namely the Skaftafellsfjöll, Skaftafell, Hafrafell and Svínafell mountains. The present study is based on this map- ping effort. METHODS Field mapping and stratigraphy The Hafrafell massif (Figure 2) rises steeply from the sandur plain to the south, and is cut by a dike swarm that has led to numerous gullies with good exposure in the cliff section. Walker (1959) established a field classification scheme for the Neogene lavas of Eastern Iceland that we used during the mapping of Hafrafell (Figures 3 and 4). The basaltic lavas are defined ei- ther as (aphyric) tholeiite, (plagioclase) porphyritic or olivine basalt. However, the stratigraphic record includes frequent glacial-interglacial transitions with great volumes of subglacially formed strata. Thus, the geology of the area differs from typical Neogene lava terrains, as found in Eastern and Western Ice- land, in the greater occurrence of subglacially erupted rocks, hyaloclastite horizons and evidence of ero- sion. The highly diversified lithology in Hafrafell required us to map numerous stratigraphic profiles. Based on correlations between profiles we divided the Hafrafell stratigraphy into 39 lithologic forma- tions (HF1-HF39, Figure 4) that we then merged into eight groups, H1 to H8 (Figure 5). To constrain the time frame for stratigraphic evolution we sampled a master section for magnetic polarities and dated key units by the K-Ar method. Intercalated between lava flows are up to 30-m-thick hyaloclastite sedimentary units. We devide the brown hyaloclastite sediments into two types, namely "primary" and "laminated". The "primary" hyaloclastites typically massive, have 42 JÖKULL No. 64, 2014
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