
Jökull - 01.01.2014, Page 155

Jökull - 01.01.2014, Page 155
Jöklarannsóknafélag Íslands skólanum í Gautaborg. Breidd hópsins og fjölbreytt- ur bakgrunnur hefur löngum verið eitt af einkennum vorferða, og eins og sjá má af ofansögðu var ferðin nú engin undantekning. Þau tíðindi verða síðust sögð af þessari ferð, að tveir þátttakendur syntu í ísköldu lóninu á gosstöðvunum frá 2011. Ísleifur verður þó að teljast sundmeistari ferðarinnar því hann bætti um betur og tók einnig sundsprett í bæði Galtarlóni og Gengissigi í Kverkfjöllum. Er hér greinilega komin upp ný tíska í jöklaferðum. Ferðin naut stuðnings Landsvirkjunar sem með fjárstyrk tryggði að félagið gat notað hinn öfluga snjó- bíl HSSR. Einnig studdi Vegagerðin félagið með styrk til eldsneytiskaupa og annars flutningskostnaðar. Þátttakendur: Anna Líndal, Ágúst Þór Gunnlaugsson, Ásdís Jóns- dóttir, Baldur Bergsson, Benedikt Ófeigsson, Berg- ur Bergsson, Erik Sturkell, Finnur Pálsson, Gísli Bjarki Guðmundsson, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Hall- dór Ingimarsson, Hannah Reynolds, Hannes Haralds- son, Hlynur Skagfjörð, Ísleifur Friðriksson, Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson, Magnús Hallgrímsson, Magnús Þór Karlsson, Sjöfn Sigsteinsdóttir, Sólveig Kristjáns- dóttir, Sveinbjörn Steinþórsson, Vilhjálmur Kjartans- son, Þorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, Þóra Karlsdóttir. The 2013 Spring Expedition The annual spring expedition of the Iceland Glaciological Society trip took place on May 31. – June 8. It had 24 participants, although three of those returned to Reykjavík early, on Thursday 6 June. The tasks to be carried out included several of the long- term surveying projects, including estimating the lake level of Grímsvötn and the depth of several ice cauld- rons in northwest Vatnajökull, measuring the winter accumulation in Grímsvötn, Bárðarbunga, Háabunga and at some locations between these places, and GPS surveys at fixed points on nunataks. Maintenance of houses and re-stocking at Grímsfjall is also a reg- ular feature of spring trips. Among other tasks was maintenance of fixed GPS and seismic stations on the nunataks Kárasker, Vöttur, Húsbóndi and Ham- arinn, radio echo soundings at the cauldrons that unexpectedly drained into Kaldakvísl in 2011. The expedition used one heavy tracked vehicle (Pisten Bully), four cars suitable for over-snow travel and several snowmobiles. Many of the participants were volunteers from the Society. Also participating were scientists from the University of Iceland, the Icelandic Meteorological Office and Gothenburg University. Anna á sundi í lóninu við gosstöðvarnar frá 2011. – Swimming in the lake at the 2011 eruption site. Ljósmynd/Photo. Magnús T. Guðmundsson. JÖKULL No. 64, 2014 155
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