Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1953, Síða 89

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1953, Síða 89
Rannsóknir um reyðbióðkroppanóringina 95 kolsýran mundi dyggiliga eggja afturgerð reyðblóðkropp- anna. Á 10. mynd eru sett upp úrslitini av royndum við 0 % C02, 3 °/c og 6 % C02. Av teim trimum atvoldum til eggjan, sum standa í boði: 1) lágt súrevnistrýst, 2) hogt kolsýrutrýst 3) og nógv súrga, tykist tað, at vit kunnu gevast við teimum báðum seinastu. Vit kundu eftir hesum væl trúð, at tað er hitt lága súrevnis- trýstið, sum í livandi verum óbeinleiðis stýrir blóðgerðini, t. d. eftir nervalagnum. Spurningurin, ið nú liggur fyri, er, um tað í lívroyndum fer at bera til at játta ella nokta fyri hesi tilætlan. — Hetta stendur til komandi rannsóknir at gera av. SUMMARY ín two previous essays (Magnussen 1949, 1950) the author presented in condensed form the results of studies on the influence of oxygen tension, carbon dioxide tension and hydrogen ion concentration on the production of erythro- cytes in vitro. The present article gives a more exhaustive account of the difficulties bound up with such investigations and describes in more detail the author’s technique which mainly differs from that of Osgood and Plum as follows: 1. The investigations were made in Warburg vessels in water, both at 38° C. 2. The vessels were kept in constant motion to prevent sedimentation (Fig. 1). 3. Agglutinations were avoided by using serum from blood kept at 2°—4° for 24 hours, and then the serum must not show any signs of hemolysis. Moreover the su- spension must be kept for a period of 20 minutes before serum is added.
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